Ana Silva

  • I am pulling together a maintenance manual for a design studio that wants to install storm water mitigation in its projects. After reading widely, I have noticed that most information has the same maintenance guidelines. I find it difficult to believe that if sedimentation must be cleaned out 4-5 times a year from an in-street planter in Portland,…[Read more]

  • Clayton Munson posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    What was the name of the site where you can sell your entourage images that you have created?

  • Raysa Molina posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    hi, i’d been trying to blend hand drawing with computer, and i think i got a really good renderings. after i apply style in sketchup, i draw the vegetation by hands and put it on top in photoshop. when i Apply color in photoshop, i use the wet brushes. So check my renderings and if you like I can give you more tips.

  • nca posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    I like your stuff Bob, I would like to see it a bit bigger.

  • nca posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago


    Are you talking about getting pics up onto this group discussion or onto your folio? I always use the ‘simple uploader’ when uploading to my folio, I find it less glitchey as you mentioned. For posting here, just hit the camera button above and make sure you image is in an acceptable format (jpeg) and 72-150 dpi and less than about 500…[Read more]

  • Aaron R. Goetz posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    I’m still getting an X when I upload. I’m finding this site very glitchy. Slow uploads, freezing up, inability to close down, etc.. Anyone else having these issues? How can I get my darn pics up??

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    sucess… thank you Nick, we may be able to go a little wider but these settings are much better… now we can post some images and give some better feedback.

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    Here is my test to see if the settings sugested will work, 400 pix wide and 100dpi

  • nca posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    I think if you size the width of your images to about 400pixels wide that should fit just right, also you (everyone) should do everyone else a favor and keep your dpi under 150…more like 100 or even 72 to avoid sluggish scrolling.

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years ago

    Again why do some of the images get stretched out while others look fine… I am guessing that there is some kind of ideal image size for the group walls, does anybody know what that size limit is so that we can actually see what people are posting? Vladimir’s images are all stretched out while right below his Nick’s look perfect, is any one else…[Read more]

  • nca posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years, 1 month ago

    I thought I would contribute some different digital and hand techniques I’ve experimented with over the last few semesters as an undergrad. Before I returned to school for Landscape Architecture I enrolled in a 12 month cad drafting course and read all the landscape graphics books I could get my hands on, which still seem sort of…[Read more]

  • Lee Attinger posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years, 1 month ago

    Does anybody have any suggestions or examples for rendering a master plan in a desert environment? I’m trying to finish up my capstone project so I can graduate and I’ve run into a little snag. I go to school in the south so drawing a rocky barren landscape with clusters of cactus is a first.

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years, 1 month ago

    what is the best size of image so that it does not distort, I noticed that many of the images, including mine are being stretched into a tall and “squeezed” format, are these do to i9mage size or my computer settings?

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years, 1 month ago

    thought I would add a few images, I work mostly digital but started with ADs, Prismacolors, and pencil, Am loving Corel Sketchpad, Corel PainterXI, and Photoshop, base work is done in AutoCad, Sketchup, Sketchpad, or scanned original, rendered on Wacom Cintiq in combination of Painter and Photoshop…

  • Drew Sivgals posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years, 1 month ago

    Great to see examples of everyone’s work!

  • kavan donohue posted an update in the group Group logo of Veg.itectureVeg.itecture 15 years, 2 months ago

    Hey Jason, looks like the department has decided to ask you to lecture this coming Fall. I know it seems like it has taken forever, and I apologize but we have been very busy restructuring our program and interviewing potential department heads. The good news is that they still want you to come and lecture and the program is doing great. I also…[Read more]

  • Byron Douglas posted an update in the group Group logo of Veg.itectureVeg.itecture 15 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks Jason. Will have to get hold of his new book as well.

  • Byron Douglas posted an update in the group Group logo of Veg.itectureVeg.itecture 15 years, 2 months ago

    Has anyone used epiphytes on green walls, and if so what success rate did you have. How did you attach them to the walls, simply on a wire trellis structure or did you use something more intricate – any info would be great!

  • Michael Murray posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years, 3 months ago

    I know several who have taken his Color Mastery workshop and were very favorably impressed.

  • Has anyone taken Richard Scott’s Sketching on location workshop?

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