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Aurelien LIUTKUS replied to the topic Do you recognise this place? in the forum PLACES & SPACES 15 years, 7 months ago
Hanbury garden in Italy maybe ?
Aurelien LIUTKUS replied to the topic French discussion ? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 5 months ago
Hello Cendra,
On utilise Photosahop, Indesign, 3dmax, skecth up en général,
Les français sont plutôt maussades niveau consommation,
mais 90 % de mes clients sont étrangers, les anglais ont ralentu leurs projets depuis ce pri,temps,
mais il nous reste les russes heureusement.
Comment se passe le rêve américain ? ça doit être asssez génial de bosser…[Read more] -
Aurelien LIUTKUS replied to the topic French discussion ? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 6 months ago
Thank you, I work with Chlorotech system, it is similar to ‘Biotech’ but better for the mediteranean
The ‘Finca’ pictures are very nice too.
Do you still use palms tree in the south of Spain ?
We start to have many deceases on our palms, experts said that there will not any palms to survive
on the french riviera in 20 years…Regards