Sonja Zindovic joined the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 4 years, 2 months ago
Jason Bennink posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 3 months ago
Just a thought from Soil Science perspective on reducing the water requirements for any plant. Use lots of organic material and or peat moss around the plant,(not too much) and surround other areas with sand. Make sure the drip is going on the water holding material. Sand has the lowest affinity for water while clay has the highest and organic…[Read more]
umit harite posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 4 months ago
Hello, Hope to exchange knowledge and experience. Regards to All. ümit harite from turkey
Bill Kisich posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 7 months ago
Charles, This is probably easier to deal with in Phoenix as most people don’t really expect anything to live here without water. Even natives. I don’t know how you can expect a plant that is used to regular and frequent irrigation at the grower, to suddenly become a plant that thrives with irregular and infrequent feeding.
Charles A. Warsinske posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 7 months ago
Ya Bill, all I know is when a local suburban city requires the planting of natives in parking lot islands that get hammered by not only the heated asphalt but also the vehicle exhaust, I tend to shake my head. With pedestrians tromping through and no irrigation, it is just tough sledding. What we need is to educate the planners who write the…[Read more]
João Bicho e Joana Carneiro, LDA posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 7 months ago
I Navid, the pine like plant looks like a grevilia flower. I’m not sure but it’s similar.
Bill Kisich posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 7 months ago
Ya Charles, all the natives around here grow in balls and cubes. You never have to water them and they never grow past the 3′ dia. ball or cube. They even flower in colors that contrast well with the building they are planted next to. I love natives. They’re truely the answer to all your sustainable dreams. You just need more experience, buddy.
Charles A. Warsinske posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 7 months ago
We are being asked more and more to do less and less irrigation on our projects here in and around Seattle. One might think, “so what, it is always raining in Seattle.” This is not quite true. We have had a very dry summer here but we are only about an inch below average for the year. Many native and non native plants are suffering, and will not…[Read more]
Ernst Glaeser posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 8 months ago
Hi folks, it’s me on my lounge in Cairo, but active now in Abu Dhabi.
This is the place to try all this xerophytic plants and other material.
Whenever I come into a new arid area I try to studdy the the vegetation off the beaten tracks. Potential natural vegetation is the best indicator to meet climat and geology. We only (I guess that is the…[Read more] -
Bethany Fee posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 15 years, 8 months ago
Hello- I’m new to the group! Currently our LA firm has been dealing with the recent water restrictions- How do we (as Landscape Architects) get the word out that turf is no longer the San Diego landscape? We are in our 3rd consecutive year of drought and something has to change.
Ahmad Ali Al-Gilani posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 16 years, 2 months ago
Hello, Hope to exchange knowledge and experience. Regards to All. Ahmad
Rico Flor posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 16 years, 3 months ago
Hi, Richard, of seven posts back. Thanks, I missed that post! Need to give credit where credit is due.
jeffrey Gordon Smith posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 16 years, 3 months ago
Yes it is ‘Long John’ Good call
Barte Shadlow posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 16 years, 3 months ago
Yes, I agree with Mike on the Grevillea sp. re Navid’s post. The flower gives it away. (I’m also from Australia, so I’m familliar with the genus, although I’m not sure on the species of this one. Perhaps Grevillea ‘Long John’.)
Navid Mostatabi posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 16 years, 3 months ago
Fibonacci again? Does anyone know this plant? Found in San Diego at 5000 ft. elevation.
Navid Mostatabi posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 16 years, 3 months ago
Name that plant.
Looks like a pine tree from a distance with a flower that is reminiscent of a succulent. I think it’s a desert plant.
Richard Mariani posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 16 years, 5 months ago
Maybe this link will help you Rico
Rico Flor posted an update in the group
Xerophytic Landscapes 16 years, 9 months ago
Hi’s and Hello’s to you all. Got a short question for you guys. I’m not familiar with mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), so do you know if this could be propagated en masse asexually? Rumor has it in the UAE that the indigenous and endemic trees here are resistant to mass asexual propagation. I hope you can prove me wrong….