Brandon Fey

  • Does anybody have any suggestions or tips on which ME countries have the best job potential? I’m trying to figure out if work in the region is a viable option these days as my home market (Phoenix, Arizona) has stalled completely. Contacts or resource information would be more than appreciated. Thanks!

  • Hugh Ryan posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Barlow…hmmmmmmm sweeping statement, but none the less there is some merit in what you say, but surely it is not simply an american[USA] problem. I guess it depends on whose work you are looking at, and at what stage they are at in their careers. It takes time to develop individuality.

  • barlow posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 8 months ago

    Dear Brandon and others;
    Why are all american sketches the same and why are all american designs the same? It’s like copy – paste.

  • mohd yusri mohd yusof posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 8 months ago

    hi justin…why dont you look at landscape park duisburg nord in german…maybe it will help you for your case study

  • Justin Roger Burns posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 8 months ago

    i am a landscape architecture student working on my senior project, which is a brownfield site ( old glass manufacture), and curious to see if any one had unique design, mitigation techniques and or a case study or to i should look in to.

  • I work in dubai right now in G C L A, the thing is that Landscape architecture companies stopped hiring but are not firing, as a respond to the crisis, but as a company we are minorly affected some projects un dubai were terminated. Gunther its weird because our abu dhabi projects are the one keeping us up.

  • Hugh Ryan posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 8 months ago

    Nice group. I look forward to sharing in discussion

  • Syaryzad posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 15 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks Ammar. At the moment, construction and any new development is being put on hold in Dubai. There were speculations on Abu Dhabi to be the next player in the industry with a lots of exciting ‘green’ projects coming up..

    ~Just abit of an updates on the current situation in Dubai~

  • Abdulkader A. Al-Gilani,

    Thanks for the reference for middle eastern plants. An Illustrated Guide to the Flowers of Saudi Arabia will be added to my shelf, and will be a great help for future projects in the area.

  • Syaryzad,

    The market is Saudi Arabia is good. In fact, I’m now looking for three landscape architects to work with me. I work at one of the biggest design firms in the region “Zuhair Fayez Partnership” I am the lead landscape architect at the rapid projects department, and I urgently need three landscape architects to start working with my team…[Read more]

  • Syaryzad posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 15 years, 8 months ago

    Hi guys..
    I am wondering whether any of you are affected by the economical crisis at the moment? A few of my friends in Dubai were laid off recently due to the stagnant market..
    Are there still market for Landscape Architect in the Middle East?

  • mohd yusri mohd yusof posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 9 months ago


  • Hristo Angelov posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 9 months ago

    Great design is what is around us ,the natural environment.. the Japanese landscape artists were tryig to copy and paste it their own home environment..there are aslo a lot of superb details in nature.. every single thing could be taken as a sample.. a good design should inspire arstists, poets, composers, and manipulate people’s mind in a way…[Read more]

  • Hi everyone! I have worked in Cairo on a collaborative project with Ain Shams University architecture students. It was an amazing experience and I would love to go back…maybe someday! I am glad to have found this room so I can see all the wonderful projects you are all working on in that part of the world.

  • JJ posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 16 years ago

    The greatest designer is normal people—the best cities in the world were not designed.

  • Travis T posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 16 years ago

    I wanted so say thank you to Abdulkader for the recommendation of the the Illustrated Guide to the flower of Saudi Arabia. It is a great resource. I was hoping that someone might be able to share their experience with procuring plant material in Dubai. The Landscape Contractor that we are working with is procuring most of the plant material from…[Read more]

  • Maybe I shouldn’t greatest designer cause it is very subjective….How about who is your favorite designer……I would have to Jeffery Gordon Smith is a pretty great designer….He is a member of our group…You should check out his work…..

  • Very nice! I thought I was the greatest designer on the planet…..hehehehehe…j/k….

    I will say…..Burle Marx maybe…..

  • Who is the greatest designer of all time besides the obvious answer of Olmsted….?

  • Gabriel Hydrick posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 16 years, 2 months ago

    For me great design is:
    1. Creating memory places
    2. Creating a sense of place (genus loci)
    3. Guardian of identity
    4. Interest of users health, safety and welfare
    What Mack mentioned is true for me as one who has had the experience on both sides, as the one to experience and admire and the one to create

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