Charles A. Warsinske

  • Check your status on the USGBC web site. If you are listed as a LEED AP there, everything should be fine and you can assume they are just behind in sending out the certificates.

  • i passed the exam at the end of june and still haven’t received the certificate. anybody has any idea what is going on? i am based in southern california. thanks.

  • Visit new Urban Design Podcast on iTunes and

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of COMPETITIONS - ongoingCOMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years ago

    Yeah, Paul Keating has pretty much laid wasted to Barangaroo. It is a shame but at least it looks like Thallis is going to go down without a fight.

  • Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group Group logo of COMPETITIONS - ongoingCOMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years ago

    thanks Vladimir for the comment, I agree competitions need to be transparent, it’s good to be reminded that we live in the world of politics and connections. SO even if u have the very good design u will be a winner, sad truth…..
    It reminds me one competition I idid in Lodz,Poland where the winner for the big square had a photo of Toronto…[Read more]

  • Vladimir Sitta posted an update in the group Group logo of COMPETITIONS - ongoingCOMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years ago

    Before you embark on any competition I advise you to check the political context. Bevare of any competition that has politicians as judges. Anglo – saxon countries have tendency to compromise the results and often completely change the outcome.
    One such competition just happened In Sydney (Darling Harbour East) where due to unacceptable meddling…[Read more]

  • Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group Group logo of COMPETITIONS - ongoingCOMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years ago

    Design Montreal’s Bus Shelters

    competition for a new bus shelter, including the advertising poster
    frame, bench and solar power system, to be used by the Société de
    transport de Montréal (STM)The deadline for submitting entries is noon on September 30, 2009. Note documents in French 🙂
    more info

  • That’s magic! And so inspiring, truly. Thank you very much.

  • Noriko Marshall posted an update in the group Group logo of University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington 15 years ago

    Thanks Michael. I am preparing for the Chicago trip, and I feel I need some time to articulate what I want to accomplish. I am still an entry level (graduated last year), so it takes sometime to be able to contribute more significant way. I am interested in GIS technologies and how it can help design the sites which has challenging topography and…[Read more]

  • Hi Noriko,

    You are quite a firestarter, just look at this discussion you provoked?

    So I think you are far more capable of much bigger things than just taking notes and pictures in Chicago. What do you dream about? What keeps you up at night? Why did you really become a Landscape Architect? TELL US!

  • Noriko Marshall posted an update in the group Group logo of University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington 15 years ago

    Well, thanks to the downturn, I have enough free time to go to Chicago for ASLA Conference. I hope I can meet with you at Alumni Reunion on Friday at 8 PM. Your comments are inspiring. When this dark recession started to fully manifest, it made me think “why our universities keep producing many landscape architects while the profession is so…[Read more]

  • Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group Group logo of COMPETITIONS - ongoingCOMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years ago

    Wide Open Ideas Competition for Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China
    generate debate and ideas for re-designing part of the most important urban space in the history of Chinese Civilization. We hope this will also set a new course for Eastern Landscape Architecture, helping in the development of an ecologically and culturally distinctive design…[Read more]

  • Yes, the meeting went great! Stacy summed it up pretty good. It was fantastic to have Dominique come in and talk with us about her experiences using SSI on a project. From our discussions, we know there are a lot of kinks in SSI (as one would expect) but my feeling from her was that the document works well in establishing that necessary baseline…[Read more]

  • I thought it was great – especially Dominique’s experience with SSI for Lenexa City Center project. Several of the pre-requisites were un-achievable on that one. Those points were very worthy, highlighted the critical importance of proper site selction and deemed certainly worth keeping central in the SSI focus, but totally screwd the pooch (so to…[Read more]

  • Matt- How did the meeting go?

  • Hey folks in the KC area!
    Just a reminder to those on Land8lounge that we’ll be having our monthly meeting this thursday (27th). If you haven’t received details, let me know!

  • There is a competition in the City of Charlottesville, Va., for the design of a Clock for their famous pedestrian downtown mall..The prize is $1,500, I think. Nice little project!

  • I’ve used a variety of green roof techniques which have been more or less successful. I’m gathering information about what folks have done with green walls, the materails they have used and their success. I’ve read quite a bit about Patrick Blanc’s work but keep wondering about maintenance and costs. I’m currently looking into the nonwoven…[Read more]

  • This really is the time to start new things. During past down turns, many new, small firms grew, new ideas explored and new energy was built upon. Seattle will soon be updating the neighborhood plans. This is an opportunity to look again at where we live and work and provide leadership in making the right improvements. Much progress has been…[Read more]

  • Wow Oona, you hit the nail on the head!

    This is so true for some many talented and tenacious people.

    I’m wondering/learning/realizing that if we just “let go” and start going with our gut on design and planning choices instead of going with the rubber stamp, that we get taken care of by the money gods. It’s happening for me right now. I’m…[Read more]

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