Cheryl Corson

  • Hi Rick,
    Thanks for your input. I will talk with my contractor (rather than email or phone, I think). As for the MBE/DBE program, the true minority I am is Jewish, but since that doesn’t qualify, I’ll take “woman” since women still make pennies on the dollar to men/male owned firms. The paperwork and business evaluation was rigorous, and…[Read more]

  • Great. Glad to know that. Thanks, Mary Anne.
    CLARB: If you’re listening in, consider adding some descriptive content to the LARE Orientation Guide about the interface if you are no longer able to provide a demo.

  • I’ve got a question about the computer interface for multiple choice sections. CLARB no longer has a sample on its web site and the $30, 30 minute test drive session at Prometrix isn’t convenient. Can you only go back to questions you have not answered, or can you review all your answers and make changes at any time?

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