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Chris Fullmer replied to the topic Google SketchUp for Site Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
Hi Daniel, how’s it going? Been a while now, but I’ve been watching your book and waiting. I’m hoping to get a copy here shortly. Thanks for posting about it here, hope all is going well,
Chris Fullmer
Chris Fullmer replied to the topic Sketchup pros? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, that would be fine. Its the sort of plugin that a basic implementation is easy. But just adding a few simple features can make it rather complicated to write. So we’ll start simple and see how useful it is 🙂 But yes, email the info to me and I’ll look at it.
@Bob, yup I’ve been on here for a long time. I have not been very active, but I’m…[Read more]
Chris Fullmer replied to the topic Sketchup pros? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 8 months ago
Hi Jacob, yes that kind of thing is possible to do in a Sketchup plugin. There are a few different ways to implement it. I think the best way depends on your workflow. But I have some ideas. I could write a very simple version for you. Maybe something that just export all the surface area of different materials used in a model. Then it would be…[Read more]