Chris Fullmer

  • romnick posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 14 years, 8 months ago

    hello friends…
    I’m looking for some help, ideas, or suggestions about my thesis topic (a sustainable waste management into a park or simply “Garbage Park”)…wherein, i want to run the park that depends on the sustainable waste management, like cost efficient and effective waste to energy methods and how it can be a sustainable,,,, etc…thanks…[Read more]

  • Carla posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 8 months ago

    Daniel – You’re work on SketchUp is really remarkable. My opinion on SketchUp has improved as I see how much can be done with it showing realistic conceptual landscape designs. You’re making an impression on the technology in this field.

  • Nur Rahmaan Colorado posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 14 years, 10 months ago name’s rahmaan
    I want to learn some more to be adept at applying skethcup. where i can download the tutorial in PDF files
    thx a lot..

  • I meant to add, use the trees as proxies otherwise the polygon count will kill you.

  • I like the Luxigon style where pretty much everything but the basic render is done in photoshop. but if you can get onyx Treestorm which comes with a grass generator and and a lot of trees that can be changed and there is a free ivy generator that I posted somewhere on here but I can’t remember the name.

    Most people just seem to get the…[Read more]

  • never mind, found the tutorial

  • I REALLY like the itoosoft, wish the full version was free though so I could use some of my own images. Still working on the shadows though…

  • I got the same question with Alexandru, I’v been told to use photoshop do the aftereffect of vegetation for plan or the cluster of trees and grasses in 3dmax would drag my laptop to work exemely slowly.Is there any good suggestion for the plugin programmes to create vivid planting elements in 3d max?

  • I believe it is a Nvidia 280 GTM, middle of the range but still better than the one on my old computer that ran max 2010 quite well. i7, 8 gigs of ram. Having some photoshop problems too. pretty much everything is frames per second related, it makes zooming and moving things around so hard.

  • My experience with 3ds max 2010 on Windows 7 Enterprise x64 has been very good. Its certainly a huge step up from Vista. I’ve got a nice set of graphics cards though so maybe thats the difference. What kind of hardware are you running?

  • So what are people’s experiences with windows 7 and max? I am running 7 professional 64bit and max 2010 64 bit and having some problems, mainly graphics card related. very low fps which is making it hard to model. though I am hoping that max 2011 which comes out in the next month will help.

  • Bob Cleaver posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 15 years ago

    Thank you again, Daniel for the great seminar on sketchup and vectorworks. I highly recommend Daniel Tal as a resource-
    My thanks goes to the APLD and Robin and Cynde for their efforts with getting Daniel to SF. When is the next seminar-

  • Samantha posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 15 years ago

    I know many of you are concerned with the cost of Labash….well let me reassure you about what you are getting for the money!!!

    2 dinners fully catered
    2 lunches
    Open bar for 3 nights…come on guys you can’t beat this
    Tours (fees included in reg price)
    Transportation to all of our events and tours
    Amazing Lectures by: Mark Rios, Walter Hood,…[Read more]

  • Samantha posted an update in the group Group logo of Cal Poly PomonaCal Poly Pomona 15 years ago

    I know many of you are concerned with the cost of Labash….well let me reassure you about what you are getting for the money!!!

    2 dinners fully catered
    2 lunches
    Open bar for 3 nights…come on guys you can’t beat this
    Tours (fees included in reg price)
    Transportation to all of our events and tours
    Amazing Lectures by: Mark Rios, Walter Hood,…[Read more]

  • Samantha posted an update in the group Group logo of UC BerkeleyUC Berkeley 15 years ago

    I know many of you are concerned with the cost of Labash….well let me reassure you about what you are getting for the money!!!

    2 dinners fully catered
    2 lunches
    Open bar for 3 nights…come on guys you can’t beat this
    Tours (fees included in reg price)
    Transportation to all of our events and tours
    Amazing Lectures by: Mark Rios, Walter Hood,…[Read more]

  • faya sweet posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 15 years ago

    Hello, I’m new here and I want to learn all about the sketch up, I wish to report and utilized, greetings and respects to you

  • Andrew Spiering posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 15 years ago

    Just a general recommendation… it is best to ask your questions in the group forum rather than in the comment box.

  • John Pacyga posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 15 years ago

    If you haven’t read Daniel’s book, it is THE place to learn. Other sources will help you learn the basics of SketchUp, but this book demonstrates the techniques and workflow that LA’s can use. Thanks for writing it Daniel!

  • Phillip J Hutchinson posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 15 years ago

    Great idea starting this group!
    I’ve read Daniel Tal’s book, and it is very helpful in breaking down the process of creating efficient 3D models. This group should be a good place to share ideas and learn new tips.

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