Clarice Nolasco

  • Hi! I see you make projects of playgrounds. Don`t you want to distribute our equipment in Hungary? See our products here and contact me if you decide

  • Dinorah M. Melendez posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years ago

    @Chris. The guide from mr. Haskin is terrific. Thanks a lot for sharing this, very useful. I was wondering how to get this effect for quite a long time, since I am autodidactic. Appreciate it.

  • Alba Villacampa Sanz posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years ago

    Hi Daniel!
    I became a promember of Land8 and I´m seeing some of Daniel Tal´s webinars on Sketchup. They are really easy to follow and very useful. There are also some photoshop webinar recordings but I haven´t been able to see those yet.
    Hope this helps!

  • Daniel Edwards posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years ago

    Hey There,
    I have spent the last 3 years in a technical project management position and have become a bit rusty in the are of computer graphics using Sketchup and Photoshop in combination with each other.  Obviously, this is such an integral part of practicing our profession these days so I want to get better at this.
    I live in the Portland, O…[Read more]

  • Denis Vasiliev posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years ago

    Quite useful!

  • Hilary Ann Noonan posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years ago

    I had problems the whole time I was in school with my desktop crashing because my video card didn’t have enough umph. What solved the problem was more memory in the video card itself. You can also check the auto-cad sight to make sure any card you are thinking of getting is ok with auto-cad. The laptop I bought when I graduated is a 64-bit with a…[Read more]

  • Cendra Ramirez posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years ago

    Awesome… thanks for the tips… that’s exactly what I was looking for.

  • Frank Varro posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years ago

    I can attest to newer Geforce cards.  I have a 470 from last year, and it runs like a champ.  MIGHT end up going to a dual card setup, but that’s caused more by “Battlefield 3” than work…

  • Cendra Ramirez posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 13 years ago

    Can anyone recommend me a video card to be able to work on Sketch up, photoshop, illustrator and CAD? I am getting a new computer and wanted to see the minimum requirements I should have to support all those software.

    Thank you

  • Cheryl Corson posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 13 years ago

    Great. Glad to know that. Thanks, Mary Anne.
    CLARB: If you’re listening in, consider adding some descriptive content to the LARE Orientation Guide about the interface if you are no longer able to provide a demo.

  • Cheryl Corson posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 13 years ago

    I’ve got a question about the computer interface for multiple choice sections. CLARB no longer has a sample on its web site and the $30, 30 minute test drive session at Prometrix isn’t convenient. Can you only go back to questions you have not answered, or can you review all your answers and make changes at any time?

  • shiraz daud posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 13 years ago

    In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.

  • noelia e martinez posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 13 years, 1 month ago

    great idea this group! it is exactly what i was looking for! 🙂

  • Peter,  your comment about approaching your portfolio from a print format perspective is interesting.  I think many of us who spend a lot of time at the drawing board suffer from this, and moving our personal work to digital format is a jump for some.  I think that if you have a standardized filing system in place that is reflected on your co…[Read more]

  • Scores for the June 2011 Graphic administration have been posted on the CLARB website.  Please contact Rebecca Moden at if you need assistance accessing or viewing your scores.

  • Hello, this is the first version of my portfolio, i would be grateful for some comments, critiques! Thanks in advance!:)

  • Thanks for the feedback, Page! It’s funny, looking back now I obviously should have clarified a number of issues you picked up on.
    The document is set up in an 8×10 Blurb template (because most of my sites are portrait orientation) and the “cover page” is actually Page 1 of a Blurb template (the cover is a separate document at this time because…[Read more]

  • Walter Norris Bone posted an update in the group Group logo of WORKWORK 13 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Brandon, long time no see.  Here in China, I am the Senior Landscape Design Manager at the Venetian in Macau, China.  Our resort has 4-30 story hotel towers, 8 pool decks, 3 large interior gardens to rival Vegas and the forecourt or arrival zone will be heavily planted in 4 distinct tropical themes.
    My work is ending soon and will be as…[Read more]

  • Mark Sanford posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 13 years, 1 month ago

    Mr. Lin,
    when will your next 7 day workshop be in the United states?

  • Bryan Pynn posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 13 years, 1 month ago

    Just what I wanted…more green streets!

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