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Dave Maciulis replied to the topic Natural Landscape Magazine in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the compliments. If you liked the Spring issue you should see the Fall issue. Check out the preview at http://www.naturallandscapemagzine.com
Dave Maciulis replied to the topic Natural Landscape Magazine in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 1 month ago
Much overdue reply, yes this magazine was geared for the consumer. I wanted to create a magazine that educates the public of the importance of designers. I find that it has been a large hurdle in our industry that landscape contractors have offered “free design advice” I hope that this magazine reflects the importance of working with…[Read more]
Dave Maciulis posted an update in the group Residential Design Group 13 years, 3 months ago
Hey everyone, I recently launched a landscape Design Build Magazine this Spring.It focuses more on the consumer rather than the landscape architecture/ landscape designer profession. If any of you are interested at all to see what it’s all about you can visit http://www.naturallandscapemagazine.com click the magazine and you can look through the…[Read more]
Dave Maciulis replied to the topic Dynascape design program. Designers in philadelphia in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years, 3 months ago
Dynascape software is only good for residential design. If your looking at teaching your self better skills on the computer I recommend taking the online course for sketch up. Even look on YouTube they always have great information on sketch up and auto cad. Dynascape in my opinion is dieing and can not do anything beyond the residential aspect of…[Read more]
Dave Maciulis replied to the topic Natural Landscape Magazine in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
We published 50,000 copies for the spring and have 1800 left. There are subscriptions available thru paypal and the online version was just released for the premier issue