Erik Kepler replied to the topic Project in Studio: Expansion of Ping Tom Park in Chicago. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 5 months ago
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback, we do have a lot to consider, unfortunately we have less than two weeks before the final project. We really aren’t looking for short-cuts but more like small nudges in certain directions, we’ve got our concepts so we’ll start looking at different aspects of chinese culture along with the options you…[Read more]
Erik Kepler replied to the topic Project in Studio: Expansion of Ping Tom Park in Chicago. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 5 months ago
Thanks, I appreciate the input.
Erik Kepler replied to the topic Prairie Restoration in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years, 11 months ago
I actually kind of like this idea, I’m going to have to not do the elevated pathways because I already know of at least two people doing this, and I like to go for originality, the idea for the sculptures is pretty cool, my only problem is that as far as ‘natural’ prairie goes I kind of feel like it may be too gaudy. Now, the site is named Buffalo…[Read more]
Erik Kepler replied to the topic Prairie Restoration in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years, 11 months ago
Thank you for the advice it’s actually given me a few ideas, so I’ll definitely see where I can go with it.
Erik Kepler replied to the topic Prairie Restoration in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years, 11 months ago
Well, let’s see if i can make this short, I doubt it though. The purpose of the preserve is mainly to reclaim the land as prairie although originally it was woodland if I remember everything correctly. It is owned by the county so it is a public preserve, the site itself, although I haven’t been there in the summer, is mainly prairie, which I am…[Read more]
Erik Kepler replied to the topic Interesting Ways To Create Spaces In Limited Space in the forum PLACES & SPACES 15 years ago
I’m really liking all of these ideas, I think I may try to incorporate them into my design in some way, I have it set out what I’m thinking about doing, but I may post these ideas for the class as well, as long as all of you are o.k. with that.