Thanks Tosh, you reach me just in time!
Typical spec drawings I found online recommend a drain at the bottom to get rid of surplus water, and I was just thinking: “why do they have this drain at the bottom, the water should be stored there to have the time it needs to get back to the water table, or evaporate through the pavement and cool the air”
So well, I really wanted to get that drain on top of the rock sub base to catch only superficial waters and prevent ‘overflow’ above the surface.
I never thought of the smell…
Thanks! 😀
I now have the stone supplier, I will check with him his offer on travertine. My thinking is that it should be laid on a full dry mortar bed (laid on top of rock sub-base), since we have these very porous catchment strips made out of gravel lock everywhere in the yard.
The thing is, if we drain water out of the rock bed, why have it in the first place? I’m a bit puzzled here, I’ll have to read more on the topic…