Jacob Ferreira

  • Create your own book of Illustrations on computer
    Do you realize that there are over 2500 sketches, renderings, illustrations, design photos and nice pictures on our BeLoose web site under “Photos”, many beautiful drawings are done by very talented illustrators from around the world.
    You are encouraged to spend a few hours and go to the www,beloose…[Read more]

    Render Landscape Plan
    How you can render a landscape plan with the following easy steps:

    • Outline your plan with pen (LePen used). Use tips: straight edge, circle template, overlap corner, professional dot, gap.
    • Outline two trees with heavier Sharpie pen next to thinner pen as they are closer to your eyes.
    • For more details, click here.
  • Six approaches to layout a successful space
    After we have completed the bubble diagram, site analysis and preliminary design, often we are stuck in determine how to lay out appropriate lines to a successful space.  By laying your design on one of the six grids and follows each approach’s rule, a satisfying result can easily be obtained.  6 e…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the invite, Mike.  This is great!

  • Quick thumbnail sketch #1
    It is only 3″x4″ in size and colored with markers and colored pencil using all six colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple). Outlined with Prismacolor black pencil.  Took only 5 minutes, it is a great way to communicate your great ideas quickly with your clients.  Remember, the best designers who don’t need t…[Read more]

  • JIm Leggitt posted an update in the group Group logo of Drawing ShortcutsDrawing Shortcuts 13 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks Tim and Cynthia. Next webinar will really get into strategic thinking about perspectives and drawing composition – my favorites! I’ll cook up some more video clips and hopefully control the camera focus a bit more than in last night’s program.

  • Webinar was really great – nice mix of refresher and new info. So helpful to keep up to date on materials and processes and see through Jim’s crystal ball into the future.

  • Tim Oliver posted an update in the group Group logo of Drawing ShortcutsDrawing Shortcuts 13 years, 11 months ago

    Great webinar last night, Jim!  Looking forward to part 2 next week!

  • Please use this area for general comments only. If you have specific questions, please use the group’s discussion forum.


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