Jared Horsford replied to the topic I'm not necessarily endorsing it, but it made me laugh… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
where was this when I was writing my senior thesis report? LOL!
Jared Horsford replied to the topic Does Anyone Watch HGTV Or FLN? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 9 months ago
The general problem I have with the HGTV programs, especially in the context of the “house flippers) is that they generally focus solely on aesthetics and plant materials for curb appeal and delve rather superficially (if at all) into thought processes for efficiency, use(s), etc. I also have qualms with the pricing they project on the shows.…[Read more]
Jared Horsford replied to the topic Portland Green Streets Concept in Semi Arid Lubbock, Texas. in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Chelsea! Here in Lubbock, we generally have relatively dry winters, with most of our annual precipitation coming in April-June, followed quickly by our hot and dry growing season. I’ve been looking at ideas for integrated stormwater harvest at the residential and municipal levels to maybe capitalize on this heavy rainfall early in the…[Read more]