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Jason Davidson replied to the topic Working Abroad: Entry level Landscape Architecture…Where do I start?? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 9 months ago
I’m not sure if you have sorted out where your are going yet, Madeline, but if you are considering Australia then you should have a look at the AILA website. http://www.aila.org.au
Companies here in Australia are definitely willing to employ internationally trained LAs and if you are looking to stay long-term, then you can go through the Registration…[Read more] -
Jason Davidson replied to the topic Grasscrete or grassy pavers use in public parks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 9 months ago
I agree with Rob on this one. Grass-crete doesn’t seem like a good option for a recreation area as it is predominantly a hard pavement.
I have never had good results with grass-crete. The space for the grass to grow is too small and doesn’t allow a good matt of turf to establish. I find these areas merely become pavers with dirt voids.