Jason Isaks

  • Josh, I think an online portfolio is a great idea, especially considering so many things are done digitally these days. Its also a backup of all your work, one which you can keep adding to.
    biancaKOENIG makes a good point about utilising a free open source cms called wordpress. Easy to install and a breeze to use, however I believe if you want the…[Read more]

  • Jason Isaks replied to the topic MARKETING REPS in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 16 years ago

    Sorry people, I only just joined Land8Lounge so I’m a little late into this conversation, (Probably to late) but I was lured to this topic with a great deal of interest. I think that LA’s are constantly advertising their firms through being involved in Institutes of LA’s and design competitions etc etc. Even collaborating with other bigger Design…[Read more]

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