John Newman replied to the topic Sketch-up pro + Vectorworks/Landmark on iMac! in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 9 months ago
We use Mac Pros which are super nice computers but pretty expensive. A few of the guys from work have iMacs at home and say that it works fine. I guess it depends a bit on how big / detailed your vectorworks files are. If you contact your Vectorworks rep they should be able to give you some pretty good advice. I’m looking at getting a Mac Book Pro…[Read more]
John Newman replied to the topic Sketch-up pro + Vectorworks/Landmark on iMac! in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 9 months ago
We use vectorworks on Macs at Environmental Partnership. It is quite popular in the landscape industry in Australia. The Landmark add on is great for planting plans. Vectorworks is better on Macs because of the quartz imaging / transparent layers. Started off doing 3d in Vectorworks but have recently changed over to SketchUp – much more intuitive…[Read more]