
  • John Galbavy posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 13 years, 4 months ago

    If anybody here has done any public work involving raingardens in Florida let me know! Since I have been working for my firm here in Tampa we have completed 4 to 5 significant “raingarden” type projects; one of them being a LAP FDOT streetscape for Tarpon Springs. Public work involving stormwater management in a creative way is far and few…[Read more]

  • I am planning to do 3 different types of grow wall in one of my project in Bangalore, India.

  • Hello everyone, I’m ‘surviving’ the Masters in LA program at the Polytechinic University of Puerto Rico.

    I have more more class to go, the thesis… uggg. Hopefully I will graduate in May 2011.

    I’m looking forward to help and get help from all of you.

    Take care. :))

  • Hi ,I’m thinking to do the out-door feature wall in my project in china the size around 7m/long by 3.5m/high but the planting guy said that gonna take a year to green it by the plant , Anyway can make it faster and low maintenance?

  • Hi. I’m going to build a green wall using felt as part of my student entry at the International Ellerslie Flower Show in NZ in March 2010. Any advice?

  • romnick posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 14 years ago

    hello friends…
    I’m looking for some help, ideas, or suggestions about my thesis topic (a sustainable waste management into a park or simply “Garbage Park”)…wherein, i want to run the park that depends on the sustainable waste management, like cost efficient and effective waste to energy methods and how it can be a sustainable,,,, etc…thanks…[Read more]

  • Deborah Christman posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 14 years ago

    Jon Q. asked about construction documents for green street work. After mining Portland’s BES site, i found a lot. Very helpful.

  • Our office has done several green roofs and are now working on a project where I want to do both green roofs and green walls. I have a pretty good handle on the roofs, but have been having a tough time getting the green wall people to respond with samples of their products. I have offered to buy the samples but so far they have not responded. I’m…[Read more]

  • Not a lot of pure Landscape Architecture jobs out there right now. You need to get networking. I’ve had some contract work from asking around through people I’ve been involved with over the years. Keep busy, the NZILA always needs help with events like conferences, spring lecture series and the like. Volunteering still keeps your hand in the game.

  • Hello…I am here to be a resource, how can I help you?


  • Samantha posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 14 years, 4 months ago

    I know many of you are concerned with the cost of Labash….well let me reassure you about what you are getting for the money!!!

    2 dinners fully catered
    2 lunches
    Open bar for 3 nights…come on guys you can’t beat this
    Tours (fees included in reg price)
    Transportation to all of our events and tours
    Amazing Lectures by: Mark Rios, Walter Hood,…[Read more]

  • By the way, it is dumping down rain in Portland right now!

  • Thank you Jason, and everyone else for the welcome into the green streets group. I really am looking forward to discussing the latest thinking with green streets with you all. Going to Kansas City, Missouri for a presentation on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I would like to post some things when I return.

  • Welcome Kevin. It’s great to have you involved with our group. I am a big fan of much of your work which has continued to push the envelope for innovative LID solutions.

    I also wanted to mention that I just recently moved to Seattle to pursue 2 Professional certificate Programs at The University of Washington. One is in Wetland Science and M…[Read more]

  • Welcome Kevin! Thanks Jason for your comments on maintenance. After e-mail chats with many people, the fundamental move is to have regular inspections to look for needed maintenance patterns. I agree that it is a relatively new field for L. archs, and so the phrase “moving target” is apropos for the moment.

  • Rachma Kania posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 14 years, 8 months ago

    Hi everyone..
    I’m a last year student of Landscape Architecture major in Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia ..
    nice to meet you all..
    hope that I can learn more in here..

  • Kim, I have seen some examples in Charleston, SC that are using some green street technologies such as curbside bioretention and permeable pavers. I would look up Liberty Hills and Oak Terrace Preserve which I believe are both in North Charleston. Here are some pics:

  • Kim Hawkins posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 14 years, 10 months ago

    Does anyone know of any implemented green streets in the Southeast? We are completing a project in Nashville in the next few weeks and wondering if there are others?

  • I am pulling together a maintenance manual for a design studio that wants to install storm water mitigation in its projects. After reading widely, I have noticed that most information has the same maintenance guidelines. I find it difficult to believe that if sedimentation must be cleaned out 4-5 times a year from an in-street planter in Portland,…[Read more]

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