Liana Muller replied to the topic Intangible Landscapes in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 6 months ago
Thanks, I’ll do so! I love this website – it really opens up possibilities.
L**RFox said:
Look up Anti-Memorials and Sue Anne Ware. Her design for a project for people who died from heroin overdoses is good.
Liana Muller replied to the topic Intangible Landscapes in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 6 months ago
thank you! the work is fascinating – I’ll spend some more time on the website.
**LEllen Fetzer said:
Dear Liana,you may have a look at our Berlin-Ankara weblog, its already a few years old, but we have tried to capture people’s relations to urban landscapes by doing interviews with them. These have been published on the weblog and there is also a…