Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Paving around an old Ficus – Help needed Please in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 10 years, 11 months ago
Beautiful tree–in this case the owner should adapt the facility to accommodate this singular tree instead of the other way around. But we all know how this goes. One issue with a raised deck for vehicles would be the potential for drivers to go over the edge so a fairly stout guardrail is required. I would consider using permeable pavers for the…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Banning LEED ???? May just be a good idea….. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
For me, the jury’s still out on LEED, reason being so many “accredited professionals” (certainly not all) don’t walk the talk. I worked at a firm where two AP landscape architects (principals) drove separate cars from the house they shared 15 miles outside of town. What’s the point in saving energy in a building/landscape if we’re spending it…[Read more]