Matthew Meade

  • Hilary Ann Noonan posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 12 years, 11 months ago

    I had problems the whole time I was in school with my desktop crashing because my video card didn’t have enough umph. What solved the problem was more memory in the video card itself. You can also check the auto-cad sight to make sure any card you are thinking of getting is ok with auto-cad. The laptop I bought when I graduated is a 64-bit with a…[Read more]

  • Cendra Ramirez posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 12 years, 11 months ago

    Awesome… thanks for the tips… that’s exactly what I was looking for.

  • Frank Varro posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 12 years, 11 months ago

    I can attest to newer Geforce cards.  I have a 470 from last year, and it runs like a champ.  MIGHT end up going to a dual card setup, but that’s caused more by “Battlefield 3” than work…

  • Cendra Ramirez posted an update in the group Group logo of SketchUpSketchUp 12 years, 11 months ago

    Can anyone recommend me a video card to be able to work on Sketch up, photoshop, illustrator and CAD? I am getting a new computer and wanted to see the minimum requirements I should have to support all those software.

    Thank you

  • shiraz daud posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 13 years ago

    In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.

  • noelia e martinez posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 13 years ago

    great idea this group! it is exactly what i was looking for! 🙂

  • Kirk Hiatt posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Thanks for the invite Mike! I’m excited about this group.

  • Peter,  your comment about approaching your portfolio from a print format perspective is interesting.  I think many of us who spend a lot of time at the drawing board suffer from this, and moving our personal work to digital format is a jump for some.  I think that if you have a standardized filing system in place that is reflected on your co…[Read more]

  • Dave Maciulis posted an update in the group Group logo of Residential Design GroupResidential Design Group 13 years ago

    Hey everyone, I recently launched a landscape Design Build Magazine this Spring.It focuses more on the consumer rather than the landscape architecture/ landscape designer profession. If any of you are interested at all to see what it’s all about you can visit click the magazine and you can look through the…[Read more]

  • Hello, this is the first version of my portfolio, i would be grateful for some comments, critiques! Thanks in advance!:)

  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Create your own book of Illustrations on computer
    Do you realize that there are over 2500 sketches, renderings, illustrations, design photos and nice pictures on our BeLoose web site under “Photos”, many beautiful drawings are done by very talented illustrators from around the world.
    You are encouraged to spend a few hours and go to the www,beloose…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the feedback, Page! It’s funny, looking back now I obviously should have clarified a number of issues you picked up on.
    The document is set up in an 8×10 Blurb template (because most of my sites are portrait orientation) and the “cover page” is actually Page 1 of a Blurb template (the cover is a separate document at this time because…[Read more]

  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Render Landscape Plan
    How you can render a landscape plan with the following easy steps:

    • Outline your plan with pen (LePen used). Use tips: straight edge, circle template, overlap corner, professional dot, gap.
    • Outline two trees with heavier Sharpie pen next to thinner pen as they are closer to your eyes.
    • For more details, click here.
  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Six approaches to layout a successful space
    After we have completed the bubble diagram, site analysis and preliminary design, often we are stuck in determine how to lay out appropriate lines to a successful space.  By laying your design on one of the six grids and follows each approach’s rule, a satisfying result can easily be obtained.  6 e…[Read more]

  • Leo Gonzales posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Thanks for the invite, Mike.  This is great!

  • Mark Sanford posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 13 years ago

    Mr. Lin,
    when will your next 7 day workshop be in the United states?

  • Bryan Pynn posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 13 years ago

    Just what I wanted…more green streets!

  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years ago

    Quick thumbnail sketch #1
    It is only 3″x4″ in size and colored with markers and colored pencil using all six colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple). Outlined with Prismacolor black pencil.  Took only 5 minutes, it is a great way to communicate your great ideas quickly with your clients.  Remember, the best designers who don’t need t…[Read more]

  • heidi diskin posted an update in the group Group logo of Residential Design GroupResidential Design Group 13 years ago

    Hello, does anyone in the philadelphia, new York or Delaware area have dynascape design program on their computer. Thanks for your response

  • @ Peter Coyle.  Regarding the pdf portfolio you uploaded to this wall, here are my comments on layout.
    Cover page:  clean layout but a missed opportunity to immediately showcase your skills.  Consider some of your images as a semi-transparent background, or a small thumbnail strategically placed.  Re-format the cover to landscape orientation so…[Read more]

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