Mike Lin posted an update in the group
BeLoose Graphic Workshop 12 years, 6 months ago
Simple Tips of Applying Colors to a Drawing:
Do you know when we stare at a color (Blue for example), we actually saw the opposite color of the color wheel (Orange), these blue and orange colors are known as complementary colors in the color theory (see below left for a test).
Therefore two colors (Blue-Orange, Red-Green, and Yellow-Purple) complement each other and create interest and excitement. I am including the following examples of each pair of complementary colors:
Blue – Orange
Blue- Orange: A well known San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge was purposely painted orange color to compliment the blue sky and ocean. That is also why nature creates human skin in orange color to complement 75% of the universe (sky and ocean).
No wonder why every television’s talk show always has blue color background to make people’s faces look more interesting to watch on the TV screen. If you are swimming in the ocean and need to wear a life jacket, orange color is the best choice so people can easily find you if you are in trouble. You can also wear blue if you don’t want to be found.
Red – Green Continue….