
  • Mike Lin posted an update in the group Group logo of BeLoose Graphic WorkshopBeLoose Graphic Workshop 13 years, 3 months ago

    Improvement of B/A drawings in just 7 days?

    Before: Bad perspective, no gradual value change and lack of details on walls, ceiling and floor.  Requires nicer design with more furniture, bad person that was scaled too short, need more colors like blue, purple, and orange.
    After: Good perspective, good details on walls with nice gradual value change, well illustrated plants and people.  Blue sky compliments the red bricks. Overall, it is a great improvement from the before drawing in just a few days from the same person.
    We believe with a determination to draw well under proper guidance can happen to anyone.  Our workshop gears to change people’s attitude, give them the best tips available and work them up to 14 hours a day for 7 day straight.  No wonder nearly everyone came to our workshop all left with a big smile on their face and felt it was the best investment they have ever made for their lives.  What a great experience that no one should ever miss.  Hope we will see some of you in January 2012 in Las Vegas.

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