Mike Tupa replied to the topic Help! Highway Commercial Design Guidelines in the forum RESEARCH 14 years, 10 months ago
Look for ways to safely bring peds through the traffic. Medians to slow the traffic, Mid block crossings, extra pedestrian cross lights, wider sidewalks, bump-outs at the intersections (narrowing the travel lanes to minimum width), etc. You are asking to solve a problem that you may not be able to solve. The highway moves traffic most efficiently…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Help! Highway Commercial Design Guidelines in the forum RESEARCH 14 years, 10 months ago
Tanya, We work on rural downtowns in Colorado and I’d be happy to help you as much as I can.
What you have is a downtown with a 5 lane highway (4 travel lanes and turn lane) and diagonal parking on each side. That’s probably 100′ of asphalt for the pedestrians to cross in the “downtown proper” and frankly that “downtown” is not a pedestrian…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Resume Gaps: Should times of unemployment be represented on the resume? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 2 months ago
Amy, I’ll agree with all you said. But a year behind a register or stacking products for display doesn’t say much for growth of professional skills. And as an employer I’d be looking for a progressive growth in skill, understanding and value to my office. Department store experience tells me that the prospective employee can meet basic employment…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Resume Gaps: Should times of unemployment be represented on the resume? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 2 months ago
I suggest another tack. Give yourself a name, JSdesigns, or something like that and list the design-graphic-LA-construction-sales, etc. that you are doing that includes the growth and improvement of skills.
A gap in the resume can “read” several ways, most of them poorly. And, with dozens of resume to choose from a gap can read like you were…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Cemetery Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 5 months ago
As promised attached is the final report for that cemetery we were working on. This is for general information only and represents concept designs to help the town after the site was stripped of all mature vegetation by a tornado. New designs include revegetation, expansion to include a columbarium space, veterans memorial, visitor center and…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic The Recession is OVER! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 5 months ago
The recession ends when you and I start making more than we did last year. Just that simple.
Sherman makes a good point. Times are ripe for new firms to start up. You have to look for work where others are not looking. Look to small developers, builders, contractors, etc. for a starter project or two. Nothing wrong with following the “for sale”…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Experience necessary before starting your own practice? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
I’ll agree that you need professional skill and real world experience to become successful. I also offer that to start your own practice you must have a network of clients and that network takes time to build. Unless you are blessed with instant knowledge of the industry you are consulting in you need to know people and they need to know you. And…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Career Change in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
I’ll also agree, In the last dip in economy I had receivables that were 180 days old. My days were spent making phone calls to almost beg for a payment. In some cases begging LARGE companies for a couple K to pay some bills.
This will pass, Old acttive firms will be smaller, New firms (of old associates or partners or recent grads) will spring up…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Forestry Restoration in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
Your gonna need to know elevation, orientation, location, vegetation (ecotone), slope, nutrient in the remaining soil, and native seeds on the ground, and condition of the disturbed land. If it’s just burned then there are still significant nutrients and seeds in the top soil and you will only need to stabilize the soil. If it’s already eroded…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Digital vs. Hand-Rendered etc. in the forum GRAPHICS 15 years, 7 months ago
The design process we all pose as our craft is built around our ability to express ideas. We sell ideas. And the only way to sell a design is to illustrate it. That is the essence of our profession and a range of other design professions. My view is that the computer just is not the beginning tool within this craft. It is a great illustration tool…[Read more]
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Is America too safe? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
Ah, Nick, Glad to hear you also joined “the group” of privilaged among those of us who have been pulled over by the res’ patrol. Me, on jet ski having fun while the wife is on the pontoon of friends. I motor up to say hi-ask if she would like to ride, and I get pulled over because I was following too close, another time just to make sure I had the…[Read more]
Mike Tupa posted an update in the group
Project Resource Connection 15 years, 8 months ago
It would be interesting to find an RFP that we could all respond to under this umbrella.
Mike Tupa replied to the topic What are hiring managers looking for? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 8 months ago
I’ll add this.
All the billability, skill, design ability, and speed issues are certainly important.
I’ll add that I also look for someone who can work on a team, listens to those around him-her, is willing to respond (to a supervisor and the client), and most of all is someone who is compatable with the other office staff and me. When all is said…[Read more] -
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Cemetery Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 9 months ago
Again, thanks for the input and insight.
I think Nic is correct, this appears to be a niche market. And for those like Nic and Chris who are in the groove that is great. But none of us can build guidelines to encourage communities to engage in cemetery improvements (or to hire Nic to do the work) without knowledge of the field. Jennifer’s…[Read more] -
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Cemetery Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 9 months ago
Thanks to you all for responding.
Chris and Riri has the right questions but I don’t have the information to understand the purposes of those elements of the design. Part of what we are trying to do is to “spruce up” a historic Colorado Eastern Plains cemetery (few trees, native grass, 100+ year headstones, wire fence, etc) and 1) improve the…[Read more] -
Mike Tupa replied to the topic Unemployed Recent Graduates in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 10 months ago
I’ll agree with some of the other “old timers”. This will pass. As meintioned in other responses, these slumps seem to happen in cycles, can almost be seen before they happen (in hind sight) and require designers to be creative in how they get themselves out there to earn a living doing what they enjoy doing.
I suggest you look for projects not…[Read more]
Mike Tupa posted an update in the group
Habitat Restoration and Mitigation 15 years, 11 months ago
Re Justin and Glass Factory Brownfield conditions.
Is there contamination of anything other than “broken glass” and in what condition would that contaminate be? .. Glass is just another form of sand, I wonder if you could tumble the contaminated ground in something like what they tumble new bricks to make them look old. Smooth off the edges, maybe…[Read more]