Clayton Munson posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Does anybody know if there is a time limit as to how long you have to apply for licensure after passing all of the test?
In other words do you have to apply for licensure within a certain amount of time upon passing the L.A.R.E.?
Naomi Sachs, ASLA, EDAC posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS, Brandon, Clayton, and Wendy! I’m inspired.
Sadly, not inspired enough to take Section E again in June. I’ve got a huge project due right about then, and I just don’t think I can give studying the time it really needs. Being self-employed and having to do this on one’s own really sucks. Happy to have work, not happy that my big…[Read more] -
Wendy Meyer posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
In answer to Amy, I took grading twice and all the other sections once. I did not try to take C and E at the same time, it seemed like asking for trouble… a guy in my study group passed E and failed C this time, go figure…!
Gia Zaffina, PLA posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Bad night…failed Section E 🙁 Good morning…going to study hard and tackle it in June again!!! (First time fail…last section)!
Dave Davis posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Congratulations Brandon, anyone who has taken Section E multiple times (including me) shares your sentiments. I passed after 7 times. After the second or third time I thought I would never get by Section E. I just couldn’t bring myself to quit. After passing, last June, I have just now sent in my application to take the CA supplemental. I too…[Read more]
Wendy Meyer posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
I just wanted to say a big thank you to Brandon for starting this conversation….it made me feel a lot less nutty to go through this process with a crowd of others in the same boat. I am happy to say I’m done now, passed grading and all the other sections and now I can move on with my life! And whoever recommended the LARCH software, there’s some…[Read more]
Ray Freeman posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Two points Brandon makes that I would like to reiterate, because they are really important if at first you don’t succeed….
Be really careful about reading the requirements of the vignettes. CLARB places a very high premium on the KSA “Ability to Read, Understand and Follow (precisely) Written Directions”.
Figure out your weaknesses and bring…[Read more]
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Per your request Ray, I am submitting this for anyone that needs help or hope to pass this monster we call LARE….
As far as what advice to give you….where do i start….I know everyone has different study habits and ways of learning and understanding information….For me, the biggest help was having real life experience and mentors(Jerry…[Read more]
STEPHANIE Landregan FASLA LEED posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Let me add my congratulations Brandon. Isabelle Greene took that portion many times (I’m sworn to secrecy on the total) but she passed. And Clayton, congratulations!
Ray Freeman posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Congratulations Brandon! It was obviously a real slog, but you kept after it! This is a good lesson for everyone, if you don’t give up and keep working at it, you will pass.
Ray Freeman posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
I imagine Ready Set Practice by Bruce Sharky or Guidelines for Professional Practice by Lane Marshall would address this.
A.Corry posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Good work Brandon! Troy says he’ll teach you the secret handshake now!
Clayton Munson posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Can anybody suggest books that go further into explaining all the different insurances that have to be carried?
Clayton Munson posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
WooHOO!!!! I passed all mine!!!!!!!!
Sarah Rivenburgh posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Way to go Brandon!! That was a pretty serious battle you faught!! Congrats! and Well done!
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
I am happy to say two words to y’all…..I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is the BEST MOST AMAZING feeling in the world…..To all those who are still struggling through the testing process….stick with it!!! I took the grading portion 10 times….I repeat 10 times…..DON’T QUIT!!!!! It is worth it I promise!!!
Michele Wurm posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Yep, scores are posted! Finally!
Jordan Lockman posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Scores are posted.
Clayton Munson posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 15 years ago
Has anybody heard when the scores from December test are going to be released? The website says Feb 19.
Nicholas H. Streng, ASLA, PLA posted an update in the group
Midwest Landscape Architecture 15 years ago
Does anyone know much about SafeLane? - Load More