Nick Schmidt AICP, PMP replied to the topic Why are there "weak talented" Licensed Landscape Architects??? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years ago
My land8 profile has a link to my LinkedIn page. My LinkedIn page has a link to my personal website. Perhaps you should do a little more homework on me and my personal experience (all of which is described in detail) before attacking my initial post.
Nick Schmidt AICP, PMP replied to the topic Why are there "weak talented" Licensed Landscape Architects??? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years ago
I’m not a landscape architect and I don’t have a landscape architect license. I don’t have a BLA or an MLA. Who the hell cares?
As a planner I did landscape plan reviews for several municipalities a decade ago (and I started at age 24). I remember at least 2 or 3 landscape architects who ran independent practices. Their work was filled with…[Read more]
Nick Schmidt AICP, PMP replied to the topic Why are there "weak talented" Licensed Landscape Architects??? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years ago
There are about 40 projects on there for your viewing and critiques. I have a much larger project catalog of 100-150 projects that are not on the internet but they are carefully documented and explained and are kept as files of record.
As for my work history:
I have worked for 5 different employers since 2005, not 9. I was…[Read more] -
Nick Schmidt AICP, PMP replied to the topic Why are there "weak talented" Licensed Landscape Architects??? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years ago
Why are there some older landscape architects not drawing with a scale? Not drawing to design regulations? Not drawing with regards to topography?
Why are the clients still going to these firms, and why do I have to spend countless hours cleaning up the designs?
I am planner who designs subdivisions but I have worked alongside LAs for 15 years.…[Read more]
Nick Schmidt AICP, PMP started the topic Portfolio Thoughts Much Appreciated! in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 7 years ago
I’m an experienced planner/mid-manager currently looking for work in Houston, Atlanta, Washington DC, and Dallas. I’ve attached a few work samples from my portfolio and would be grateful for any critiques. The job hunt has been brutal, especially since many design firms will only accept resumes with BLAs and MLAs. I have a degree in…[Read more]
Nick Schmidt AICP, PMP changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Nick Schmidt AICP, PMP became a registered member 7 years ago