Oscar Gomez

  • Bryce Carnehl posted an update in the group Group logo of Cal Poly PomonaCal Poly Pomona 15 years, 7 months ago

    Greetings to all. I hope all is well.

  • Daniel Miller posted an update in the group Group logo of Cal Poly PomonaCal Poly Pomona 15 years, 7 months ago

    Thought I’d do my initial group check-in.

    I hope all is well with everyone.

  • Hi all,

    Nice to know there’s a Bronco group! I’ll invite a few of class 94′ to join in.


  • Hey Guys,
    I’ll get a piture up soon, just real busy that last few days. As faar as the LATC is goes, it isnt a beurocratic thing, and I would send letters to no just the governor, but you state senator and assemblyman as well. The LATC has a staff of less than 10 people, and is completely self supported through exam and license fees. It has no…[Read more]

  • Ed,
    Thanks for starting this group. Great way to hear about what everyone is doing.
    Also to Nick: I’m unemployed now; since the end of October of this year. Using the time to license, and look for work.
    I got the notice/letter to the Governor regarding the LATC after the 23rd. Should I send anyway? I’m wondering about what you said about it being…[Read more]

  • Edward Bailey posted an update in the group Group logo of Cal Poly PomonaCal Poly Pomona 15 years, 8 months ago

    work is slim. I’ve been hurting since feb. last year (so cal lower desert seemed to be one of the first to dry up).

    I hope everyone has voiced thier opinion to our governor concerning the elimination of the latc. not sure if it’s that great a cause though. beside the obvious function to regulate; is the latc just another bureaucratic…[Read more]

  • Nick Straabe posted an update in the group Group logo of Cal Poly PomonaCal Poly Pomona 15 years, 8 months ago

    Hey there fellow Broncos. This looks like it has potential to be a group that brings brilliant Cal Poly minds together. I am fortunate to still be employed however if anyone has any good contacts, I am always looking for better opportunities.

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