Phillip Smith posted an update in the group
LA Downunder 16 years, 6 months ago
Upside down miss Jane!
Phillip Smith replied to the topic Favorite Tree in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 16 years, 6 months ago
I agree with the metasequioa and the taxodium. Both beautiful trees. But my favourites are all Australian natives. The River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) is a most awesome tree. It’s best seen in the context of the subtle Australian colours.
The Smooth-barked Apple or Sydney Red Gum (Angophora costata) is an excellent tree for cultivation,…[Read more] -
Phillip Smith posted an update in the group
Habitat Restoration and Mitigation 16 years, 6 months ago
Found some pics of the aboriginal willum
Phillip Smith posted an update in the group
Habitat Restoration and Mitigation 16 years, 6 months ago
I’ve worked on a lot of other restoration projects, establishing wetlands in industrial estates and often roadside habitats. In heavily farmed areas roadside verges are often the only source of remnant vegetation and can therefore be incredibly important for local gene pools.
Phillip Smith posted an update in the group
Habitat Restoration and Mitigation 16 years, 6 months ago
We have an aboriginal education team and indigenous bush foods and tools plantings which are just aobut to be extended through a recent grant. They are based out of a beautiful gum leaf shaped shelter that strangely does not appear on our website. I’ll have to take one myself.
Phillip Smith replied to the topic Playground Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 7 months ago
Cant seem to upload any images sorry.
Phillip Smith replied to the topic Playground Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 7 months ago
This looks fantastic Tracey. I’d like to read more about the process of developing this stuff. We’ve been looking at a similar less technical approach at the community centre I work at. We’ve been working on ideas the theme ‘things animals build’ – birdsnest, spiders webs etc. and developing a range of safe building materials that kids can use to…[Read more]
Phillip Smith replied to the topic Does AutoCad work on a Mac? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 16 years, 7 months ago
There is now a Beta version of Rhino that runs on Mac OS. No need for parallels etc. You can’t do everything that you can on CAD but it’s a great 3d program and so intuitive. It can be used to import CAD files and transfer to Illustrator. Not CAD but pretty useful if you don’t really work in CAD that much. And it’s free at the moment for those who…[Read more]