Suzan Marciona replied to the topic The Suburbs that bad? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 5 months ago
It’s actually time for the suburbs to morph, and I think LA’s are the one to come up with the visions. Too many supersize stores that are basically empty with oversize parking lots. I can say that I live in the burbs of NYC. Very accessible, but the planning just doesn’t work, so people end up driving their cars to the village for less than a 1/4…[Read more]
Suzan Marciona replied to the topic Sights in Berlin in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years, 7 months ago
You’ll love it. Won’t make it over to Alsace Lorraine this trip but will definitely plan to return. Most everyone I’ve met is so gracious, and the extent of the art and architecture is mind-boggling, let alone the history. See you in Sept at the next board mtg.
Suzan Marciona replied to the topic Sights in Berlin in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years, 7 months ago
I did see the holocaust memorial, and it’s something that doesn’t translate in photos. You have to be there to get it. My little find was a set of grass berms about 10 ft high constructed with reinforcing bars in the middle of Potsdamerplatz by the Renzo Piano buildings. People were just hanging out lying on the lawns and kids were running up and…[Read more]