Travis T

  • Travis T posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 16 years, 5 months ago

    I wanted so say thank you to Abdulkader for the recommendation of the the Illustrated Guide to the flower of Saudi Arabia. It is a great resource. I was hoping that someone might be able to share their experience with procuring plant material in Dubai. The Landscape Contractor that we are working with is procuring most of the plant material from…[Read more]

  • I am always interested in using Ca natives and there are some really good resources around and I just thought that I would share some of that info. Here’s a list of resources in the bay area but that could be used anywhere in the state.

    Elk Horn Nursery –
    Rana Creek
    Bay Friendly Landscaping -…[Read more]

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