Travis T posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 8 months ago
I am always interested in using Ca natives and there are some really good resources around and I just thought that I would share some of that info. Here’s a list of resources in the bay area but that could be used anywhere in the state.
Elk Horn Nursery – http://www.elkhornnursery.com
Rana Creek -www.ranacreek.com
Bay Friendly Landscaping – http://www.stopwaste.organd a great book that breaks down ca plant communities is “Plants and Landscape for Summer – Dry Climates” by East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)
It would be great to see pictures and hear of projects any one has been involved with that have used natives. It would also be good to here how that have aged and how they have been mantained.
Well this is a good group and I think could be a great resource for water wise and responsible design.