vaishali kale replied to the topic Leading country in landscape in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 9 years, 3 months ago
I am thankful to both of you for sharing the information Craig Richmond, RLA and Henry cohen.
This is now giving me some direction in the profession. Would like to hear more from you and others also.
Thank you again. -
vaishali kale replied to the topic Leading country in landscape in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 9 years, 3 months ago
yes you are right..
But since many of the architects in the group are senior so they may have the idea about it that is why I tried asking here ..
Actually I am looking for an opportunity to work outside my country that is why I am trying to en-quire si that I can seek for the same 🙂 -
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 12 years, 11 months ago
i am very much thankful of you for the great help,
well wishing you all a very happy new year. -
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 12 years, 11 months ago
Les Ballard i am veyr much thankful of you for sharing the article here.
it was a great help for me..
wel and wishing you a very happy new year. -
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
well would like to thank to all who shared the necessary information with me which helped me for the formulation of my thesis topic.
well my topic is coming out like –
Landscape development for Crematoriums in Pune city. -
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
wel i am very much new user t=of land8lounge so do not really aware of hoe to check the information….so i asked for it..
well this was helpful for me to formulate my scope of work..thank you very much..
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
well sir. boilerplater may i have a single opportunity to know ur place for reference..
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
i have never come across as u said tht ” the dead exposed to birds on towers…”
this was when i read this ..
anyway..i am looking at the burial practices..which has cultural and religious aspects as well..(that to in Indian context..ofcourse the western traditions as shared above is helping me to evolve the topic in more maturaed…[Read more] -
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
i am really thanful of you boilerplater .. this was really imp information..
and very much thankful for the web u shared…thanx a lot..
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
Jordan Lockman ..this was again helpful info,
thanx for sharing… -
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
to LeslieB. wagle, yes i do mean the actual crematorium site itself..the info u shared also helped me..
(well i will be studing it in Indian context so i think the basic traditions would differ (not really sure because i have no idea about western tradition regarding to the subject..) but any way i m interested in the site and its development)
vaishali kale replied to the topic cremetorial places in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
i really thank you LeslieB. wagle for the web u shared..and the information u shared with me.
well i have not really formulated the thesis proposal yet ..i am still collecting basic information related to the cremetorial grounds….wel i went through what u have posted..i want to ask one question that church gardens and the cremetorial gard…[Read more]