City of Plano, Texas – LOGO

City of Plano, Texas - LOGO
LOGO Design for The City Of Plano, Texas by my Father (Jim Wainner) – back in 1981. This LOGO is still being used by The City Of Plano, Texas today (on water towers, City Flags, Police vehicles, street signage, etc. Plano, Texas is an upscale City of approx. 250,000 population, located just North of Dallas, Texas.  My Father studied for 2 years at the Los Angeles Art Center.  He was a very “gifted” Advertising Artist and Graphic Designer.  Dad was a major influence on my becoming a professional designer.

  • 1971-CityofPlanoTexasLOGOtouseonLANDESCOwebsiteWHEREWEARE

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