Masters Report Topic in San Francisco, California

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums RESEARCH Masters Report Topic in San Francisco, California

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  • #156916
    Kevin Quach

    Hi All!

    I am a masters student in my last year and about to start working on my masters report. As of now, I am not sure what I want to do with it. My place of interest is San Francisco, California and I am really interested in Urban Design along with Urban Agriculture, green roofs, Community Gardens, and pocket parks but am open to any suggestions and comments. I would love to address problems in SF and somehow tie it to landscape architecture. Thank you for your input!

    David Barbarash

    One easy(ish) thing to do is to get your hands on some GIS data for the city, then scan for vacant lots.

    -If there is a large concentration of vacant lots in a small area, analyze and try to find out why, then design an intervention to revitalize the area.

    -If you notice a liner pattern or vacancies, consider an “emerald necklace” style project.

    -If you don’t find any pattern and can’t find any lots that interest you, take a look at the cities comprehensive plan for future development and see if you can use it as a backbone for a project.

    Then again, I’m not too sure what your masters report is supposed to look like. Is it a research document? A design project? A set of design guidelines? Be a bit more specific in what your report requirements are and the community will be able to help.

    Kevin Quach

    Thank you very much for your reply! This is a great start for my report!

    The masters report is literally anything I want it to be, as long as it is landscape architecture related. A design project with extensive research is what I am going for. I wanted input from the community to see if there were any interesting projects or problems in SF that I was not able to find, or if anyone would be able to point me into the direction of someone who has a project they need work on!

    Thanks again for your help!

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