I-Pad or Tablet more efficient??

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    Clayton H. Dent

    I work for a design-build company and have discussed getting an I-Pad or Tablet with my boss.  Just wondering if anyone that uses one of these thinks that they are more efficient than hand drawing field sketches and measurements on paper.  Figured it would take out a step of having to scan the paper drawings back in at the office.  And would be easier to draw to any scale where as the paper kind of limits the scale based on the size of the property. 

    Just looking for any pros/cons that anyone may have.  And any apps or programs for these that are helpful on a daily basics.

    Thanks for any help and advice.


    Roland Beinert

    Pros: It can be used like you describe. Plus there are several other things you can do with it. There’s a google earth app, a notes app, some GIS apps. The AutoCAD ws app lets you access files away from the office. The camera is a plus. Several sketching and drafting apps let you use a photo as a background, which means you could take a picture, then sketch what it would look like with a new design.
    Cons: Its an expensive way of doing things more efficiently (though not as expensive as a new laptop). You couldn’t just get the wifi version if you wanted to do what you describe. It would take time to learn how to use the apps (and money to buy them), and even then you wouldn’t find it as easy to vary the widths of your lines or do detialed line work. No stylus can really equal a pencil. With the first version of the ipad, at least, printing was a problem.

    Laurent Paméla

    I just bought a Galaxy Tab 8.9 running Android 3.2. I’ve taken it out to the field and one of the major problems is that the screen is not viewable under direct sunlight. I’m not sure if all tablets or iPads are the same, but for mine, it is a useless device outside when it’s sunny.

    I do however find it useful when I’m indoors and out of the office. I use the program Sketchbook Pro to jot down ideas, or Skitch (by Evernote) to mark up documents/images coworkers send me.

    If you find yourself outside in the sun a lot, your tablet or iPad might be of no use, but for indoors I find the tablet a great addition to my work.

    Clayton H. Dent

    Thanks for the comments.

    Laurent Paméla

    Thanks for sharing above app Henry!

    vc hefti


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