Section C and E Scores are up….good luck!

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION Section C and E Scores are up….good luck!

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  • #164697
    Dotty Daly

    I passed C, down to a retake of E. Good luck everyone!

    Alec Johnson, PLA

    NIce work! Best of luck.

    Tanya Olson

    Yea for you! I Passed C too! Thanks everyone for your tips – particularly Andrew G. ‘follow the instructions exactly!’ and the other warnings about precision. I took it to heart – there wasn’t an imprecise turn radius to be seen!

    Cliff Jones

    Congrats, Tanya.  Can you point me to Andrew G’s instructions.

    Tanya Olson

    Thanks Cliff. I think this is the thread… Lots of little tidbits in there!

    Elizabeth Renton

    Thanks for sharing. I hadn’t received an email notifying us that the scores were posted. I was lurking on the site yesterday though, hoping they’d be up.


    Aaaaaand I failed section E. Big surprise. (not really. After my debaucle in June i was fully prepared to go down in flames again in December.) Guess it’s time to fork out another $150 for airfare and $275 for a redline review. 

    Dotty Daly

    Sorry to hear it, I failed E too, the good news is I will never have to sit for C and E back to back again! Have you taken Rays or Jerry’s classes? I am doing the redline too.

    Elizabeth Renton

    I haven’t taken a class yet…I think that’s the next step in this gameplan. One of my old professors from LSU offers a 2 day LARE  review. I think i’ll get a bunch of my colleagues together and see if we can hire him.


    So what do you think was your trick to passing section C this time? i’ll be re-taking that one in June.

    Mike Schwebel

    Hello all!  Misery loves company, and I just failed “E” for the second time…..after passing every other section the first time around…grrrrr

    Elizabeth Renton

    scratch that, they just sent me an email saying that, contrary to the failing score they initially gave me, I actually passed section C last June. Hooray for the ‘score verification process.’ Booo for not grading it correctly the first time!!

    So, section E, round 2 in June. Tips? Tricks? Handy pointers i must have otherwise overlooked?

    Jeff Klein

    Did you use the redline review in June?  Did you find it helpful?  Please read the quote below from the CLARB website.

    “Starting with reviews for the December 2009 Graphic Administration, more comments (about positive and weak performance on the exam sections) will be provided than for previous reviews.  (Seventy percent of exam candidates surveyed by CLARB said they were dissatisfied with the number of comments provided during the Redline Review and asked for more feedback, including positive feedback.)”

    Hagen Hammons


    I am an LSU alum as well. Which professor are refering to? Because Im in if you can get a class together and will fly back home from here in Portland. I know Matt Mathes does a review, but he is not a professor.

    Elizabeth Renton

    I took the test in June, and then took the redline review offered in October. I think the comments on my redline do match the quote from clarb; there were indeed both positive and negative comments. But i wasn’t really interested in the positive comments….if i failed, i really only want to know what i did wrong, not what i did right. My beef, and the reason why i paid for the score verification process, is that there were redline comments about my ‘mistakes’ (reasons why i failed) that DID in fact meet the stated grading criteria. 

    I had posted a thread about it last fall

    Elizabeth Renton

    Hi Hagen,

    I had spoken to Sadik about doing a LARE review here in Houston sometime this spring. I am an officer for TX ASLA- Houston/Gulf Coast, so i’ll be sending out an email blast to our members to see if there’s enough interest and a large enough group to pay for Sadik to come. I’ll keep you posted! You’re welcome to join us!

    Jordan Lockman

    It was helpful but really expensive. They give you the grading criteria which I found helpful.

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