
  • Rico Flor posted an update in the group Group logo of University of the Philippines Landscape Architecture Program AlumniUniversity of the Philippines Landscape Architecture Program Alumni 15 years, 6 months ago

    Good point on part-time work, Paolo. There indeed are programs in US Universities when students take a year off to work in a firm prior to their senior year. FYI, the summer internship was the best possible option, ever, at 2001. The program, in fact, is pioneering for the College; BS Arch followed suit only around 2005.

    Good probably if the Program encourages other firms to give an option of working part time beyond the internship period and register that as some sort of Special Problem course?

    Why not discuss this with the program director and find out other pros and cons?

    Cheers! Kelan kang puntang Abu Dhabi, hehehe?

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