I’ve been working on getting ready for my spring LARE review classes. I’ve put together some new overheads for the most recent section C vignettes I’ve developed. C19s parking problem has been fixed, and there’s a few minor fixes here and there. I’ve also developed a brand new vignette based on one from the December 08 exam. It’s a passive solar condo cluster with parking, stream setbacks and height limitations. All trees are sacred here.
I’ve also been organizing/codifying some general principles that apply to getting built items organized correctly on a site. The process has got me brushed up on the material for tomorrow.
On the E front, I’m heavily modifying an old vignette to change the parameters of how an athletic field is graded. The problem requires you to grade a road and parking lot tying into two existing elevations, but no suggestions of longitudinal or cross slopes are given, on allowable ranges. All water from the lot must drain into a swale which diverts water around a playfield to a stormwater pond. It can probably have several solutions. Did I mention that there is accessible parking and an accessible route involved?
I’d like to whip another E vignette into shape but don’t think I’ll have time.