Inspired by civic action, equality movements around the world, and the personal experience of its founders – Rebecca Leonard, Gina Ford, Cinda Gilliland, Steven Spears and Jamie Maslyn Larson – WxLA emerged in 2018 as a vocal advocacy initiative for gender justice in landscape architecture. WxLA raises awareness for the challenges that prevent women from reaching their highest potential, provides information about the barriers to women and strategies for change and celebrate new models of working.
In its first two years, WxLA spearheaded a series of action-oriented initiatives. Upon its inception, the team drafted the (first-ever) Women’s Landscape Equality (re)Solution. This one-page document provides actions to take to ensure gender equality in practice and is available for firms and people to print, post and share. It is also available on
Following on the success of the (re)Solution, the team raised over $20,000 in cash and in-kind services and sent seven WxLA Scholars to the Conference on Landscape Architecture in San Diego!
WxLA also maintains a dynamic media presence including various instagram campaign and takeovers by affiliated and like-minded advocates and organizations. WxLA also launched a brand new website just a few weeks ago. Check out! The Scholars were celebrated at a lively event in San Diego that includes a podcast booth, cocktails and brainstorming for future initiatives.
From five founders to thousands of followers and volunteers, WxLA is a mobilized and empowered movement, providing a voice for women in the profession, a mechanism for enacting change and an inspiration to legacy and next-generation practitioners alike. WxLA will continue to welcome collaborators, build momentum through action and send a message to the world about the profession’s commitment to equality.
WxLA Founders
And as the next great frontier, now until August 15th, WxLA is accepting nominations for its 2020 Scholarship. The purpose of this award is to aid in the professional development and success of young and emerging leaders in our profession by covering the costs associated with attendance at the Conference on Landscape Architecture, which in 2020 will be hosted virtually. In 2019, Although we don’t know what this year’s annual conference will look like, we can promise to cover registration costs and create a specially curated WxLA experience focused on leadership development, inspiration and mentorship.
Nominators are encouraged to submit the name of a colleague or self-nominate.