Hand graphics…to pay or not to pay???

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums GRAPHICS Hand graphics…to pay or not to pay???

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  • #163920
    Deryn Davidson

    Since this thread has been picked up again, I thought I would let y’all know what I decided:

    I DID end up taking Mike’s course and found it to be well worth it. He urges his students to sketch daily, just as many have suggested, but he also imparts great tricks, tips and wisdom that helped my skills jump forward immensely. Starting the fall semester with these new skills has been great and it’s fun to really see all that I learned as I move through my studio projects.

    I have appreciated everyone’s input on this matter and to each their own. I for one, am glad that I spent the time and money by investing in Mike’s workshop. I feel it was an investment in my future that I am already seeing the returns on.


    Mike Lin

    Sound like you have a lot of confidence yourself and maintain good graphic skills, where I can buy your upcoming book and do you have a place so I can take your workshop? I may be able to learn something from you.  I feel I always have rooms for improvement.

    Mike Lin

    Dear Deryn, I am so glad to hear what you have to say about our popular workshop that has changed many people’s lives.  We are not perfect and will continue to seek for the refinement, but so far we have pleased over 98 % of the designers from around the world, a great record that isn’t easy to maintain. 

    Not for a moment, we didn’t think of how to help more people and improve their skills so they will have more confidence in their career.  Occasionally but not often, we run into some appropriate criticism that will only help us to keep our workshop on the edge, so we can continue to be more effective in helping more designers.  Please enjoy the skills we have taught you and share them with your fellow students whenever you can.  After all, life is too short not to be nice to others.  Thank you again for being so kind and positive.

    Mike Lin

    Craig, thanks for your support from the bottom of my heart.  I just returned from teaching several workshops in New Zealand and Australia, it is so comforting to know that every attendee has found their new confidence and knows how to be loose in hand graphics.  Taking the fear of drawing out of people’s career is our specialty after all.

    Brian Henrie

    I heard about Mike’s workshop during my bachelors but it wasn’t until I was in graduate school that I decided to take a 2 day course. It changed my hand sketching life. For me it was the confidence Mikes style creates. Before the workshop I had a sketchbook for over a year that had three pages of what I thought to be horrible drawings. I even took a graphic drawing class during my graduate program and it helped me little. I now see that those original three pages were the beginning of drawings that I gave up on finishing. I simply had to keep working them. No drawing looks amazing when you first start, it took Mike’s course to help me see how to get my hand to do what my mind was thinking. I probably could have continued trying on my own, but it would have taken me years to develop what I learned in just two days. I would recommend his course to anyone. You can learn something from everyone you meet, as long as your mind is open.


    I think that with exercise everyone can improve his skills in hand-drawing.

    It’s enough to watch some tutorials on youtube and internet to learn a lot of new things: and to excercise.

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