Web Design / Graphic Design

  • This topic has 1 reply, 12 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by nca.
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  • #165553

    I own a boutique design firm that specializes in web and brand identity for small and start-up businesses. If your are in need of these services to promote your landscaping business please let me know. 


    I have worked as a full-time freelance designer in both print and web, since 2006 and hold a Bachelors of Fine Art Degree in Graphic Design.

    My online portfolio is located at http://www.biancafrank.com.

    Thank You,


    Bianca Frank Designs




    Why hire a graphic designer when most of us can do it ourselves? ; )




    Your web address is spelled incorrectly in your folio.


    Developing a brand takes more than knowing html / css and throwing it up under a domain name you purchase from godaddy. 


    I can tell you that small businesses that understand the importance of developing that brand on the onset of their business, find themselves investing less and benefiting more in the long run. You may or may not agree….and of course to each his own.


    One of the best things I’ve ever learned about owning a business is understanding just the simple fact that you “own” your business, doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re always the one for every job. It’s your ability to decipher your strong points and finding others that add strength to your weaknesses, that creates a solid foundation. Collaboration is key. 🙂 Cheers


    a great article on branding a business from the NY Times


    I think you will find some resistance to the idea on here, since we are all designers and love to do this kind of thing (most of us anyway) ourselves.  Also, a big component of a landscape architect’s training is to learn how to come up with a marketable concept for a design and to sell it to the client. 


    The thing that intrigues me is how you would brand a landscape architect firm to distinguish it from all the other firms out there.  Would it be the overall design style the firm takes?  What if the style is all over the place?  Would it be the type of clients the firm wants to attract?  The design approach they take?  Would that be above the heads of most clients?


    Is branding more effective for a company that provides a set service, like fedex, or a set product, like coffee, as opposed to a company that offers design services?  In my mind design services are largely bought and sold on reputation and being cheaper than competitors, and big personalities/visionaries, not a brand of the company per se.  But something tells me I’m wrong about this and just need a little convincing otherwise.  


    I think if I was going to start up a small landscaping company I would potentially be interested in this, but would not have the money to do it.


    I was sort of giving you a hard time on purpose because you’re sort of ‘spamming’ the message board with a sort of off topic discussion. It’s kind of my duty (or was at one time) to delete posts like this, but I’m trying to be nice and it just so happens that we just had a discussion recently here about LA’s and Architects brancing out and doing graphic design work.


    For what it’s worth, I was on the side of the discussion arguing that LA’s and Archs dont have the training or know-how to do professional Graphic work, but I may be wrong…we’ll see what the concensus around here is..


    It would be strange if I went to a graphic design forum and asked if anyon needed a good landscape architect, though I commend you for seeking out new leads in unorthodox ways.


    See my post below before continuing..


    “One of the best things I’ve ever learned about owning a business is understanding just the simple fact that you “own” your business, doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re always the one for every job. It’s your ability to decipher your strong points and finding others that add strength to your weaknesses, that creates a solid foundation. Collaboration is key. 🙂 Cheers”


    I don’t follow..


    When I buy a lawnmower I’ll give you a call.


    awesome! 🙂


    of course that wasn’t my intent “spamming”apparently some were offended and my apologies to have ruffled any egos. It certainly was not my intent for posting. I did see your comments in the other thread.


    so you don’t like big Italian noses then? lol


    Hi Danielle,


    One of the best books that I’ve ever purchased on branding a business is called “The Brand Gap“. It’s a light read but gives great insight into the importance of being able to bridge your businesses strategy with that of design. And what in fact is used to develop a brand.


    Ones first step in defining and developing ones own brand is defining what it is your business does, and what YOUR business offers that others may not. What makes you different? What will help you stand out in the marketplace? In your case it would need to go beyond something like ” I’m a landscape architect, and I make beautiful designs” You would have to dig deeper in developing what you want your customers or potential clients to know about you, and really making them even care. It’s a difficult question to answer, but taking time to define this question will help in your future. It is also the primary element that directs the visual content of your brand (typography, logo, graphics, imagery etc…) 


    Your question regarding if developing a brand is more efficiently used for products or services – I think you answered that question yourself. Fedex has a strong brand recognition (which builds brand equity=the quantifiable ($) aspect of a brand), but so does Starbucks and they sell a product.


    Brand is an emotional connection with your audience. It’s not what your logo looks like, it’s not what your tagline is, it’s not your sales ploy – it’s the emotional connection you make with your viewer, and the value you develop outside the tangible product or service. 



    Apple = if you buy and apple you’re a member of an elite group of other like minded individuals that are light years ahead of those “other guys” that buy PC’s.

    Nike = anyone can be an athlete and if you buy our shoes, you’ll be an athlete too


    As far as how design services are bought and sold – there will always be people who will undercut your rate. That’s the nature of any creative service in any field. We essentially are all selling our ability to design what our clients want. I don’t undercut my rate because honestly, if someone wants a $25 logo, then they can get that anywhere. I think being selective about your clientele is as important as finding work. I have worked with clients that wanted to art direct me and it was some of the worst experiences I’ve had in this business. You have to find the compromise between being the design professional and educating your client….without stepping on their toes. Every client wants to feel that their input is valuable, so making sure that your client feels like they are part of the process is the best way to bridge positive relationships in any creative field.


    Also – approaching people without a huge ego will always benefit you in the long haul 🙂



    If you own a business and you suck at math – it’s being able to set your ego aside enough to see the bigger picture and hire an accountant so your business doesn’t suffer.




    I dont know if you ruffled any egos, but fyi landscaping is a little different than landscape architecture. Most of the members here are involved in more design-oriented businesses. You might want to check : http://www.groundtradesxchange.com to find more people with landscaping businesses.

    Jason T. Radice

    I totally agree with you about the ‘branding’ aspects of a firm. Most do this very poorly because they do not understand how vitally important to have an up-to-date and accurate web presence, or a cohesive “theme” with an image package. The old addage “the best way to get business is to look like you don’t need it” is very true.


    It is usually enormously expensive to do an all-out webpage ($50k+ I known some firms have spent), and most people cannot do it themselves due to time, software, or knowledge constraints. The level of the webpage or marketing package also says a lot about your firm, especially if design is your primary product (instead of environmental or engineering services). Something as simple as your business card can encourage or discourage customers. You simply cannot get away with tear-apart injet printed cards anymore. Especially when excellent quality heavyweight offset cards can be had for less than 20 bucks from an online print house.


    That said, being that we are all designers in some fashion, we all think we can do this, and many of us can but sometimes consulting with a pro can be very beneficial. Marketing is as much about business and knowing what is efective as it is about design. Bianca is brave for even attempting to deal with a fellow design community, as designers usually clash.


    And one suggestion for Bianca, you might want to get rid of )or buy the license) for Simpleviewer. It is very unprofessional to advertise for web services using sombody elses gallery script so prominently.

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