
Growing a Rooftop Revolution – Joost Bakker at TEDxSydney


Watch Joost Bakker break it down in his TEDxSydney 2013 talk; this sums up the reason why I am so passionate about Living Roofs. They can improve air quality, reduce the heat island effect, naturally insulate buildings and provide local produce to urban communities with limited access to organic vegetables. A universal answer to community development.  Let’s make every roof a living roof!

“Dutch-born Joost Bakker is the creator of hospitality venues Greenhouse by Joost and Silo By Joost, as well as the building company Built By Joost. Over the last two decades he has worked on a multitude of concepts and products that have encompassed sustainable design practices.”

[via TEDxSydney]

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  1. Impressive stat… “Average Australian family produces 100,000 gallons of grey water each year… would produce 60 tons of potatoes and 40 tons of tomatoes each year…”

  2. true, just think about how much better of we would be if all communities had access to local farm fresh produce by growing it themselves

  3. This is just one example of an innovative way to transform unused roof space but not all buildings have the structural capacity to hold massive amounts of soil required for a vegetable farm. The Brooklyn Grange is one successful example. Perhaps the warehouses in the Mission Bay district of SF would work well for community farms.

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