Mark Simmons posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Agree with Ken and Blake. There’s also some nurseries that specialize in natives. Yerba Buena Nursery south of SF has a demonstration garden with labeled plants and the owners are VERY knowledgeable. Also, North Coast Nursery and Cal Flora in Sonoma County. Also, it’s good to be mindful of the fact that California has many totaly different native…[Read more]
Ken Smith posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Katrina, to clarify, UCBG and Tilden are in Berkeley and Merritt College is in Oakland.
Brock Axthelm posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
The South Lake Tahoe and North Lake Tahoe Demonstration Gardens show a plethora of California Native plants used in the high Sierra. These gardens give great examples of California Native plants at diffrent stages of development.
Ken Smith posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Agree with Blake — the Merritt program is great. I also volunteered at Tilden’s native nursery on Thursday mornings — propagating, etc. It was a great way to learn about natives. U.C. Botanical Garden and the Tilden Park (native) Botanical Garden are both stunning places to check out CA natives in a park setting.
Blake Rothschild posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
you may also want to check out the horticulture program at Merritt College for i.d. classes. http://www.merrritt.edu
Mark Simmons posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 1 month ago
Has anyone seen a CA native develop over time? I’m interested in how native gardens survive in the real world of residencia. I’m using my own yard as a test, having just planted about 50 various species. They’re all infants right now, but I’m very excited to see how they grow,
ashley cruz posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 2 months ago
hey! i’m beginning to study the native trees of california. i live in NJ now, but come June moving to San Francisco. How is the LA job market out there? I was just laid-off here in Jersey.
Catherine Bosler posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 3 months ago
Thanks a lot. I will check him out
Jeremy Sison posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 3 months ago
I attended a seminar given by a Dr. Bob Gerheart a couple of years ago. He is a well respected scientist here in california that specializes in Bi-filtration. Look up his name and see what comes up. Good luck. -
Catherine Bosler posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 3 months ago
Hi everyone.
does anyone knows anything about phytoremediation specifically with california
native plants? All the info I did find was with Canadian plants. Thank you -
June Scott posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 4 months ago
Jeremy–Awesome! Thanks much for the info. Will check those resources.
Jeremy Sison posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 4 months ago
June Scott,
About Riparian Restoration. Army corp of Engineers are the gov agency that oversees most of these projects. Cal Fish and Game get involved as well. I’d check those 2 agencies. I used to work for Dudek & Associates Habitat Restoration division. check thier website as well. some other restoration offices include Recon, Habitat West &…[Read more] -
June Scott posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 4 months ago
Does anyone anything about river/riparian habitat restoration in the So. California area? Am starting a thesis project that involves the LA River.
Sean Paul Golden posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 5 months ago
R Fox,
I live in Northern California…We are pretty dry…has not rained since this past Memorial Day and has not really rained since this past February.
It might rain tomorrow and this weekend…fingers crossed. I would be glad to answer any other questions about Northern Cal.Sean
Sonja Rindlisbacher posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 7 months ago
I love Yucca whipplei, Dudleya obispoensis…. 🙂
Ryland Fox posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 8 months ago
Does anybody know what water conditions are like in Northern California currently? Drought/rain wise?
Travis T posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 8 months ago
I am always interested in using Ca natives and there are some really good resources around and I just thought that I would share some of that info. Here’s a list of resources in the bay area but that could be used anywhere in the state.
Elk Horn Nursery – http://www.elkhornnursery.com
Rana Creek -www.ranacreek.com
Bay Friendly Landscaping -…[
Trevor Ehlers posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 9 months ago
I am interested in CA plants too especially the mountain and desert variety. By the way whats up Jeremy? (to everyone else this is a random meeting of old friends we grew up together in Durango, Colorado). Anyway glad to be a part of this group. Working in Tahoe at Design Workshop currently…glad to join this group for some good conversation…
Tom Hessel posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 9 months ago
Wow, a California native plants group…I finally feel like I belong somewhere. Thanks for starting this group.
Andrew Spiering posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 16 years, 9 months ago
I am sure you are all aware of this book, but just in case…
California Native Plants for the Garden
by Carol Bornstein, David Fross, Bart O’BrienCheck it out in the Bookstore
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