ALEX P replied to the topic Do you really want to know what theyre thinking? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
better yet
http://www.designboom.com -
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
and your a bed bug
ALEX P replied to the topic Do you really want to know what theyre thinking? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
Looks like at least some people care about what I do.
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
oh trust me, im on there as well.
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
confidence is the key to success.
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
finally someone on here actually has a tactful response, i recede in your favour.
ALEX P replied to the topic Alternative Career Paths in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
i say it in quotes because i was taught never to use the word ‘natural’ because it means something different to everyone. You’re just as mean/opinionated/aggressive as me. -
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
That was quite possibly the rudest thing i have ever heard (even from myself). I AM a designer. Maybe im not some backyard-weekend-warrier, but I am a fine graphic designer, landscape designer, et cetera. I mean lets be serious, how did Robert Ross get drug into this mess? Im confused how listening to Jamie or you Mr. Anthony will determine my l…[Read more]
ALEX P replied to the topic Alternative Career Paths in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
yes in 1950!
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
opinions are called that for a reason. im an addict. yes i need a mac and helvetica (neue) because i like their effects. true, i lack real world experience, in some things. but that should not constitute my passion for good design. is that something that gets beaten out of you when you get experience? if so, count me out!! I care a lot abou…[Read more]
ALEX P replied to the topic Displaying my masters thesis project in my portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
hate is a strong word reserved solely for papyrus and bad design. (not an opinion)
I think you may want to have a bit more hierarchy, and lose the colour boxes. Your maps are portrait, so i would still persuade you to use portrait layout. Also, no offense, but it feels a bit like a powerpoint p…[Read more] -
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
I never once mentioned some pin sharp photo realistic rendering. Im not wasting my time screwing around with typefaces. I only use 1, helvetica neue. So i can spend more time thinking about design. As mentioned in another thread, Im not working at a LA firm, per se because i think LA has more to offer and just firm work. (just say’n)
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
I attempted to start another forum entry about graphics and their importance, and many of the people commenting on that thread belittled the very importance of graphics. I am very confused, some say yes they are important other say no. I get the foundations stuff. I took drawing 101 at college. I understand the need to communicate ideas qui…[Read more]
ALEX P replied to the topic Mike Lin Phenomenon in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
oh craig. lighten up.
ALEX P replied to the topic Alternative Career Paths in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
Well excuse me. I was trying to help this guy realize that maybe you dont have to design back yards just because you have a degree in LA. Sheesh, take a chill pill.
ALEX P replied to the topic Alternative Career Paths in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
Whew.. im glad i found you….
I have a BLA, and I work at a Contemporary Art Gallery as an exhibition assistant. I think you need to take a step back and realize what you went to school for. You studied landscape architecutere, thus breaking that down you studied:
1. Theory/critiscim
2. culture
3. demographics
4 spatial design
5. NOT PL…[
ALEX P replied to the topic Scale Drawings in Portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
1. never use a landscape layout, gah. it looks like a “portfolio” not a well designed print document.. why do you think magazines are portait.. it look better.. easier to handle.
2. dump the scales. it doesnt matter. they look clunky and ugly, seriously who will notice that its 20 scale or 100 scale..
3. stop worrying about all these pre…[
ALEX P replied to the topic Displaying my masters thesis project in my portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Step 1: dont use papyrus / myriad pro / arial
Step 2: condense, condense condense. all gis maps look alike, so pick the coolest ones/ the ones that best represent your thesis.
Step 3: limit the text, no one will read more than the title, so dont even waste your time. give um a taste, then if you get an interview, go into detail about the thes…[Read more] -
ALEX P replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
woah woah woah, miss smith. I never knocked the laborers. Believe it or not, that was me, once. Diggen away at some dogwood in some rich persons backyard. I just said thats not what i went to school for. I learned that there is a difference. The words are not interchangeable… but what do I know, I guess.
If your after the money.. check…[
ALEX P replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
I pity it as well.
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