
  • Ive been doing consulting with clients, mainly design build firms and pray that no one is doing work for free…some clients may try to talk you into doing free designing/drafting by way of revisions. Be cool and stick by your hours and fee. There is some room to negotiate, but you will soon get the idea of whom is looking to have you do free…[Read more]

  • I do quite a bit of planting design for contractors, and Land F/X is simply awesome. It works seamlessly w/AutoCAD.

  • I started a freelance consulting company around four years ago on the side, it is now part time…barely a living at this time….high end residential is the only if any, LA work around. The engineering firms have been canning LAs on and off since the beggining of time. We LAs should all build consulting companies made up of us networking…[Read more]

  • No. 2 years……..ASLA is deliberatey in the dark..any kind of special article on this catastrophic effect on all design professionals? No. High faluten projects out of touch with typical LA work and LAs themselves? and contests for best designs? Plenty.

  • alland posted an update in the group Group logo of RU LARU LA 15 years, 1 month ago

    hello, all. i am a grad who is doing design, some sustainable and production support for design-build firms. have been at the game for 15+ years in virtually all phases. i started my own one man studio right before ‘the crash’.

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