
  • Bong May Boon posted an update in the group Group logo of Malaysian Landscape ArchitectureMalaysian Landscape Architecture 14 years, 1 month ago

    I think all landscape minded professional should be well recognized and Landscape Architect can be the lead to apply the task of environmental sound idea or development physically. However all these would require varied challenges, knowledge, technologies and budget to work on.

    I truly agree of what Robert T. Kiyosaki’s (the best 1 New York Times Wall Street Journal Seller) said to be success you have to be able to control instead of being control. I think this is one of the major challenges that Landscape Architect struggling and the community try to come up solution to be influence in politic, become reunion… like most other professional or competitor did and this is so call follow the system, “seat for the board exam, get the cert paper, let the paper determine your skills instead your true skills, work for 10 years to upgrade, at that time we are old, do you think how much more can we produce?”

    Well nothing wrong with the action, my opinion it is just the old method the ‘Persian way’, if you know the rule of 4 quadrants in Robert books. I think to change thing we have to change first. I have one idea which is to produce more ‘Entrepreneur vs Landscape Architect’, in this progress we will be able to control instead of being control and the good part is we can self sustain and produce more opportunities to our young generation. This will totally change the old rule of wait other to give us deal or pay us for services instead of we create the deal and pay our self trough the deal we make.

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