Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect

  • Sorry this is for Section $

  • Very important CLARB has posted, without announcing it, a 2nd revision to the new orientation guide for the LARE that goes back to 120 questions.  It’s now 105 questions that count plus 15 Experimental questions (unidentified in the exam) that DO NOT count.  That is close to 15% of the exam, making it an unprecedented amount of non-point earn…[Read more]

  • UCLA Extension LARE Review Courses
    UCLA Extension LARE Prep Courses Winter 2017
    Section 1 – March 11
    Date/Time:         Sat 9am-5pm
    Description:        Workshop covers the LARE Section 1: Project and Construction Administration: regulations, contracts, and construction administration processes.
    Cost:      $320    
    Advance enr…[Read more]

  • Live in Southern California? Come join Richard Scott as he teaches Sketching on Location at UCLA Extension.
    November 19, 2016 Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
    December 2 and 10 Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
    Still a few seats left!
    Sign up here:

  • Kalia,
    Just registering and taking the LARE is up to around $2000 at current prices, and CLARB keeps raising them.
    Some people do not necessarily need to take a prep class. I would advise people to get some basic information via a class or at the very least pay attention to the available free resources available thru CLARB or the ASLA web site or…[Read more]

  • In response to Matt Mathes:
    Who knows how much prep time you need!
    Only you do.  If you do take the Exam right after graduation then you are well prepared. If you wait, well then research shows that much of what you learned unless you apply it quickly diminishes with time . As for costs?
    Well, I think it only fair to post the costs of our…[Read more]

  • UCLA Extension LARE Prep Courses Fall 2016
     Section 1 – Nov 5
    Date/Time:         Sat 9am-5pm
    Description:        Workshop covers the LARE Section 1: Project and Construction Administration: regulations, contracts, and construction administration processes.
    Cost:      $320    
    Advance enrollment required; no enrollment at the door.
    Section 2 – N…[Read more]

  • To see the LARE reviews I am scheduled to teach in the fall of 2016, please go to the EVENTS link of this web-site.

  • Would you say all 4 books CLARB has listed for section 1 are important to cover?  I understand perhaps not in their entirety. 

  • Josephine,
    Hinze will not begin to cover all of Section 1. It just deals with Construction Contracts and Construction Law.

  • Thank you Cheryl, I’m going to email you now.  Your webinars look good. 

  • Hi, I’m preparing to take the LARE Sections 1 & 4 in April. Should Construction Contracts by Hinze cover section 1 fairly well? Also can someone please tell me the best resource to learn when webinars or classes in the NY metropolitan area are being offered to prepare for the exams?  I appreciate any help I can get. Thanks, Josephine

  • I don’t look at it as older folks helping younger folks but rather peers helping peers. As Matt has heard me say, more than half of the folks in my Corson Learning webinars are over 40 and sitting for the LARE. I respect those who took the UNE for their fortitude. I don’t think I could do that in one day in some stiflingly hot state fairground…[Read more]

  • Agreeing with and endorsing J. Robert Wainner’s comments posted on Jan. 25, July 28 and Oct. 23, if each licensed professional reached out to help only 1 active LARE candidate, the profession grows. Design construction professions similar to landscape architects each have paid and pro-bono prep instructors as well as free and commercial study…[Read more]

  • Bob, not everyone has access to someone like you! And the LARE prep classes were started to tackle how to teach more than one candidate at a time. I would say most of the LARE prep providers are doing this for the same reason you do, but they can’t do it for free.

    The world is different from when you took the UNE, so is medicine and other…[Read more]

  • When the new format was instated, the record holder fee covered a whole year, so that you could save a little bit of money by attempting to take the exam sections either together or as Tony did, a week apart without a “new” application fee. I like Tony’s suggestion. Rebooting takes about a week, and with the window for exams, could easily be…[Read more]

  • Hi Tony.  After attending a review session by Matt Mathes last year, it was recommended to take 1 & 2 together and 3 & 4 together.  This was because there was a certain amount of overlap between these sections which made for better studying.  I took 1 & 2 on back to back days last year in December due to the distance I had to travel to take the ex…[Read more]

  • Hello Tony, When I took the old format Sections A & B, I did so on consecutive mornings. Those exams aren’t as long as Sections 3 & 4, so this can be done. When I used the same strategy on the new format Sections 3 & 4, I failed Section 4 by a little bit, retook it by itself in the next exam cycle and passed. Good luck to you!

  • I’m looking to take Sections 1 & 2 during the December session, as I’ve read many people do. It is unclear when people say they took sections “together” if they are taking both sections back-to-back in the same day or spacing it out over the course of the examination window. One has the advantage of less time off work, the other gives time to…[Read more]

  • Mr. Wainner is entitled to his opinion, however no review course on the LARE or any other professional licensing exam is ever free to the candidates. The ASLA, various extension programs, and many state chapter charge fees for live or web-based reviews. In the past, CLARB charged serious fees for study aids including “The Road to Licensure” and…[Read more]

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