Brittany Noelle Fish replied to the topic Guiding My Career Path in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 9 months ago
I started this discussion because my seemingly simple dream of owning my own business seems to be increasingly fantasy. I may not be happy with my position now, and that doesn’t really matter. I just hope that there is hope out there for those of us that want to make it on our own. There is no limit to my dedication and hard work, however, it w…[Read more]
Brittany Noelle Fish replied to the topic Guiding My Career Path in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 9 months ago
There are a lot of good comments here. I agree that it takes time with the right company to gain the knowledge and experience to branch out. I also agree that It does take time and resources to do things differently, even if the new methods will increase productivity and quality. The situation I am in is more of an unwillingness to explore (even…[Read more]
Brittany Noelle Fish replied to the topic Guiding My Career Path in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 10 months ago
Thank you to both Andrew and Nick, great advice from you both.
Andrew- A steady flow of design leads, I agree, is a must before branching out. Since I just started at this company in April, a lot of the work I am doing initially is for past clients. I do not at the moment feel that my network is not large enough, but it will certainly continue to…[Read more] -
Brittany Noelle Fish replied to the topic Guiding My Career Path in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 10 months ago
Rick- Learn then do is definitely important, and I certainly don’t want to rush into anything. Working for 4 companies now in the Denver area I have seen a lot of good examples and a lot of poor ones. I also know that I am fortunate to be working. Both my boyfriend and I have had our share of unemployment over the years, he went 10.5 months. (I…[Read more]
Brittany Noelle Fish posted an update in the group
Denver LA 15 years, 4 months ago
Hey if you haven’t seen it already there’s an article in this months (11/09) issue of Landscape Architecture. It’s on the Eddie Maestas Park, designed by studioINSITE. The Eddie Maestas park is the triangle at the corner of Broadway and Lawrence across from the Denver Rescue Mission. It’s a pretty interesting article, starts with “Eddie Maestas…[Read more]
Brittany Noelle Fish replied to the topic What does your home landscape look like? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 8 months ago
I have also lived in my fair share of apartments or homes without a yard, until now! I am renting a home in the city, so while the yard is small, it has a lot of potential. The owners were the previous tenants, and with 4 black thumbs between the two of them, the yard is now mostly weeds. I would love to invest my time and labor into the yard, but…[Read more]
Brittany Noelle Fish replied to the topic edible landscaping in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 16 years ago
I feel strongly that in a residential setting the landscape has to function for the client. I am currently working on a food garden for a really interesting client. For lack of a better word, he’s a hippie, who wants his landscape to be connected with the Earth’s energy. We are installing a pier made of Mexican pebble which will reach bedrock. The…[Read more]
Brittany Noelle Fish replied to the topic Unemployed Recent Graduates in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Hey Roland!
I actually just got a position as an assistant designer in a design build firm. I am making peanuts and don’t actually get to do a lot of designing, but I am really happy to be working again!I highly suggest checking out design build firms who don’t necessarily have positions open. I don’t think the recession has hit the high end…[Read more]