Chase Lee replied to the topic Barcelona, Spain in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years, 8 months ago
you have to go see gaudi’s work and take a ton of pictures and bring them back to OSU. i have found a house here in the OC that attempts to emulate the gaudi style and it is pretty awesome. we can compare styles when we get back to school. have fun.
Chase Lee replied to the topic Land8Lounge iPhone App? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 9 months ago
I think a land8lounge iPhone app would be GREAT!!! I am not sure how hard it would be for Andrew and the boys down at land8 to pull this off, but if it is possible I would totally be down for it. I am already heavily addicted to land8lounge everytime I sit down at my computer and I can only imagine what would happen if I had “an app for that”.…[Read more]
Chase Lee replied to the topic Internship Offers or Advice in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 11 months ago
Hey Michael. I was kind of in the same boat trying to find internships and I realized that I just needed to start getting creative in my search. It is all about finding an untapped niche and figuring out how you can fit into it. One of the best things for me to use when looking for an internship was the ASLA website and use the “Firm Finder”. Just…[Read more]