Claudia Dinep replied to the topic Recommended book or article on wayfinding? in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years, 5 months ago
A favorite book on many topics, sure to include wayfinding, is “A Pattern Language”
Claudia Dinep replied to the topic Sustainability: Europe vs. U.S.? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 10 months ago
Hi Claudia, (lovely name!)
Thx for your thoughts. I do that too – weigh the pros/cons of life here/there….
Yesterday, in the class I teach, we talked about the ‘cradle to cradle’ concept and then diagrammed waste processes – all of which were linear and dead ending – not cyclical. Now that you mention the manifest destiny concept it makes…[Read more]
Claudia Dinep replied to the topic Sustainability: Europe vs. U.S.? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 10 months ago
Hi Robert, Thank you for the comment. I agree. My feeling is that the next phase of sustainability in the U.S. will move beyond sustainable sites into the realm of ‘behavior-based sustainability’. In other words, the sustainable design of places and objects is critical, but obviously without a fundamental change of values and behavior, even the…[Read more]
Claudia Dinep replied to the topic Sustainability: Europe vs. U.S.? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 10 months ago
Hi Roland, I wanted to get back to you regarding the worm issue which is not typically interesting to most people – yet fascinating to us landscape architects for some reason. I agree that many people struggle to get beyond the basic ‘less than pretty’ realities of natural processes. It certainly is a sticking point in education – especially when…[Read more]
Claudia Dinep replied to the topic Sustainability: Europe vs. U.S.? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 10 months ago
Thanks, Trace One, for the heads up on the trash incinerator article – just read it. It’s interesting that the U.S. state and municipal governments are shying away from it because of public perception and difficulty finding locations for it. It’s interesting to note that new environmental laws in Europe forced the switch to new, cleaner…[Read more]
Claudia Dinep replied to the topic Sustainability: Europe vs. U.S.? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 10 months ago
That’s true Rob, the ‘political temperament’ of a country drives what citizens are willing to do for the environment. This last year I’ve been living overseas and have to confess I haven’t followed much on the Tea Party movement, but I suspect the Party would not favor public policy that curbs individual ‘rights’ to balance environmental…[Read more]
Claudia Dinep replied to the topic Sustainability: Europe vs. U.S.? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 10 months ago
Thx Roland for your comment and the link which I haven’t seen before. I agree, there are some generalities to be made for sure.
It’s claimed that the U.S. did a better job with (and were the originators of) preserving land in perpetuity as was done by Roosevelt with the first National Parks etc. Whether they were the first I’m not sure, but…[Read more]
Claudia Dinep replied to the topic TOPOware! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Hilarious! Food AND landform – what could be better?!
Claudia Dinep posted an update in the group
swiss landscape designers 15 years, 2 months ago
Ciao Gian, i bi an ausland schwyzer (2 generation vom Berner Oberland) u moechte ou joine! Good luck with your job search in the great down under…..Claudia